Remember Me Rose Garden Welcomes Visitors To Mark Sept. 11 Anniversary

Remember Me Rose Garden Welcomes Visitors To Mark Sept. 11 Anniversary

STOYSTOWN - The Remember Me Rose Garden, a living tribute to the crew and passengers of United Flight 93 who crashed their plane in a peaceful field in Shanksville, welcomes visitors to the garden to mark the 22nd anniversary of 9/11. To celebrate the September attack. Attack on America

Open from dawn to dusk, 365 days a year, the garden features more than 400 award-winning 'Julie Andrews' rose bushes, 1,000 perennial flowers, 1.5 acres of wildflowers, and a mile and a half of walking trails with temporary rest benches. and reflection. The park is located at 6488 Lincoln Highway, just ¼ mile east of the entrance to the National Flight 93 Memorial in Stowestown.

The 13-acre site provides a tranquil environment for remembrance, prayer, meditation and healing. The garden was donated in 2009 by the families of the heroes of Flight 93 to build the Remember Me Rose Garden and is a living memorial in honor of their loved ones. The official opening took place on September 11, 2021, coinciding with the 20th anniversary of the September 11 attacks.

Learn more: What events are planned for the 9/11 Memorial at the National Flight 93 Memorial?

The garden features a 280-foot-tall floral design with seven cardinal points, four 93-foot-tall points and three 40-foot-tall points, surrounding a 30-foot-tall fountain and reflecting pool in the center. At the edge of the fountain you will find 40 memorial stones inscribed with the names of the heroes of Flight 93.

Group tours and special events are welcome. For more information, email or call 412-215-2991.

Read more: Flight 93 Memorial Chapel Plans 9/11 Service with Guest Speaker, Retired FBI Agent

For more information or to donate visit Remember that Rose Garden Inc. A non-profit organization. 501(c)(3) and all donations are tax-deductible.

This article first appeared in The Daily American: Remember with Rose Garden welcomes visitors to mark 9/11 anniversary.

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