There's nothing better than getting a big, perfectly ripe fruit from your garden, especially if it's the biggest fruit you've ever seen. A Reddit user shared a fun blackberry discovery on the r/horticulture forum.
The photo shows a plate with three large blackberries with the legend: “These blackberries are from my grandparents' garden. We have been taking care of these forests for 30 years!” In the comments section, Redditors explained that the fruit weighs 0.95 ounces.
One of the most important benefits of gardening is a bountiful harvest, if carefully cared for and cared for. This increases access to nutrient-dense fruits and vegetables that can be picked and turned into something delicious the same day.
Gardening also has many benefits for emotional and psychological well-being. A 2020 study conducted in Singapore found that people who practice community gardening have higher levels of optimism and resilience than those who don't.
Another study from the University of Colorado found that people who gardened in their communities not only consumed more dietary fiber and exercised more, but also had lower levels of stress and anxiety compared to a control group.
Gardening not only helps people, but also the planet. Garden plants absorb carbon dioxide from the air and convert it into the oxygen we need to live. Plants also absorb bacteria and chemicals from the environment and act as a purifying filter for your space.
In addition to absorbing gases that cause global warming, plants and their root systems help hold the soil together, slowing erosion caused by wind or rain. Plants are a food source for important pollinators such as bees and butterflies, and attract rich and beneficial biodiversity to the earth.
Other Reddit users were surprised by the poster's capture of fruit. "I hope it's as good as it looks!" shared by a user.
"Very pretty!!!" wrote another.
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