GARDENING: Composting II: Pick Your Fit

GARDENING: Composting II: Pick Your Fit

Sarah Moran, Texas A&M AgriLife Extension horticulture agent for Midland and Ector counties

The previous article contained tips on how to make compost in dry climates. Now let's talk about the types of fertilizer. Which one is better? The answer is simple...the best composting method is the one that works for you. Here are some popular options.

  • Cool outdoor compost. It does not require special care, it must remain moist and does not need to be turned over. This is the most common type of compost and is made from a mixture of garden waste such as leaves, grass clippings, twigs and kitchen waste such as fruit and vegetable peelings. Cool outdoor compost is usually produced by homeowners in compost bins or backyard piles. It does not kill seeds (saves weed seeds).
  • Hot outdoor compost. A method that involves actively managing the compost pile to achieve and maintain high temperatures. This process relies on the controlled addition of organic materials at high temperatures, typically 130°F to 160°F (54°C to 71°C). Fresh compost has a number of advantages, including fast decomposition (around 4-6 months) and efficient decomposition of organic materials. It must remain moist throughout the process.
  • Vermicomposting or vermicompost. This is a method that involves using earthworms to decompose small amounts of organic material, including kitchen waste and paper waste. The resulting compost, known as vermicompost or worm castings, is rich in nutrients and beneficial microorganisms. Monitoring is necessary to maintain a suitable environment for errors. The final worming can be taken after 8-12 months.
  • Compost or pitcher and compost. Just dig, throw, and run (no, actually, you don't have to run, but I'm sure you get the idea). Dig a hole, add organic material and cover with soil. Nature will take care of the rest. Decomposition can take 12-18 months.
  • Fertilizer manure. This fertilizer is mainly made from animal manure, usually cows, horses, chickens or rabbits. Rotten manure will have less odor, and fresh manure contains more concentrated salts so it won't burn your plants. The addition of well-mixed manure can provide a source of nutrients for plants.
  • Bokashi Compost. This is an anaerobic fermentation process where microorganisms are added to break down organic matter. This is usually done in an airtight container, and nutrient-rich compost material can be added to a traditional compost pile. Bokashi Compost can process all kitchen waste, including meat, bones and dairy products. The final product will be ready in 2-3 weeks.

As you can see, each type of fertilizer has its own characteristics and requirements for a successful final product. This article provides brief and basic information about types of fertilizer. Do your research. Consider availability, budget, space, pet availability and more. I don't want to scare you about composting. That's not the point. I want you to have a good composting experience, even if that means the first two times composting didn't go your way. It's about learning and doing better next time. Take notes (and photos) to find out what works (or doesn't) for you.

Fertilization is happening and we can help. If you have questions or need more information, contact the Texas A&M County Extension offices in the Midland (432-686-4700) and Ector (432-498-4071) areas. You can also send an email to [email protected] . Happy gardening!

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