The Root Of Gardening Success Starts With The Soil So Here's How To Keep It Healthy

The Root Of Gardening Success Starts With The Soil So Here's How To Keep It Healthy

The key to gardening success is soil health.

In fact, soil is the foundation of everything good in a garden. This is where plants keep their roots and it is a dynamic ecosystem that affects the growth, health and vigor of plants.

Soil health is essential to providing plants with the essential nutrients, water and physical support they need to grow and thrive. When soil is healthy, plants are healthier, more productive and better able to withstand pests, diseases and other stressors. Soil helps plants to become more resistant to environmental stresses such as high temperatures, heavy rainfall and drought.

As gardeners there is much we can do to improve the health of our soil and therefore our plants. The first thing you should do is perform a soil test. It is good practice to understand what started and know the current state of the soil. The test will tell you the amount of nutrients and organic matter present, as well as the pH level (acidity or alkalinity). This is not critical for homeowners, but it is an option to know what is missing or too much so as not to waste fertilizer.

Compost, well-rotted manure, leaf litter and other organic matter can be added to the soil, which can improve soil structure, water retention and nutrient content. You can also adjust the soil pH if it is too high (alkaline) or too low (acidic). Add lime to raise the pH or sulfur to lower it to the desired level.

Use mulch to retain moisture, control soil temperature, suppress weeds and gradually enrich the soil as it decomposes.

Avoid over fertilization as this can damage soil structure and harm beneficial soil organisms. Reduce tillage and consider no-till, especially in established gardens. Also, reduce foot traffic and heavy equipment in flower beds to prevent soil compaction, which reduces the movement of air and water in the soil.

If you have many gardens, consider rotating crops annually to prevent certain pests and diseases from entering the soil. It also helps prevent soil nutrient depletion. This is especially important in gardens and vegetable gardens, where these types of plants can be very voracious.

You can plant companion crops together to improve soil health. Legumes such as peas and beans, for example, contain bacteria in their roots that fix nitrogen in the soil and use it for the plants around them. Additionally, staying seasonal and planting cover crops in the fall helps protect the soil from erosion. These crops can be incorporated into the soil to add organic matter. Some examples are clover, cabbage, daikon radish, canola and oats.

You can also stimulate beneficial soil microorganisms by avoiding the use of harmful chemicals. Instead, you can choose organic and natural options. The soil biological community includes all living soil organisms such as insects, earthworms, nematodes, plant roots, animals and microorganisms including bacteria, protozoa, fungi and viruses. One gram of soil can contain billions of bacteria.

However, not all of them are useful. The balance may be poor. Some garden centers sell microbial soil amendments that help improve soil health. Follow the manufacturer's directions for best results.

By taking these steps to improve soil health, gardeners can create a more fertile, robust garden or landscape, resulting in healthier plants and a more resilient garden.

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