Tips On Planning Your First Vegetable Garden In Maine

Tips On Planning Your First Vegetable Garden In Maine

The long wait for Maine gardeners begins. Gardening tools lean against basement walls and seed catalogs are piled on tables. Thoughts turn to next year and some people start their first garden.

The first decision for a gardener is where to place the garden. Imagine the sun. Most vegetable plants require at least six to eight hours of direct sunlight per day. Exceptions are leafy green vegetables such as lettuce and spinach, which are less tolerant of sunlight. If you're currently evaluating potential garden plots, remember that surrounding deciduous trees will provide plenty of shade during the growing season.

Consider good drainage. The soil of your future garden should be loose and well drained. Check as many locations as possible the day after a heavy spring rain. Are there wet areas or standing water pools? After the snow is removed from the ground, remove the areas that do not dry well. To ensure good drainage in your new vegetable garden, I recommend creating raised beds as described below.

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