Gardening Tips: 5 Plants You Can Grow In Your Balcony In The Chilly Weather Of January

Gardening Tips: 5 Plants You Can Grow In Your Balcony In The Chilly Weather Of January

The new year 2024 is approaching and it's time to think about changing the garden of your home. Although January brings harsh weather in northern India, it is a pleasant month in the south. If you want to decorate your garden with fresh vegetables in cold northern climates, you have come to the right page.

From spinach to radishes - we tell you which plants you can plant in your garden or vegetable garden to add new greenery and other colors.

Growing spinach at home in January.

Growing spinach at home in January.

Spinach seeds are usually sown in cooler climates, especially in December and January. Rich in antioxidants, iron and vitamins, the harvest does not require special care and can be harvested in 45-60 days.

Imagine, in February 2024, you will be able to cook your favorite spinach, just picked from the garden. It is necessary to prepare the soil with fertilizers and compost, plant the seeds and water abundantly, because it can spoil. Your harvest

Growing radishes at home in January.

Growing radishes at home in January.

Added to salads, soups and parathas, radish is another winter vegetable that can be grown at home in January. In cool weather, plant roots grow better and need loose soil to spread out and cover the area.

You can sow seeds or take a few radish heads, cut off the leaves and plant them in the ground. Your harvest will be ready in 22-70 days and you can enjoy fresh salads from your garden. Did you know that you can make the most delicious desserts from radish leaves? Try it now.

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Grow cilantro indoors in January.

Grow cilantro indoors in January.

Coriander is one of the main ingredients in most Indian desserts. The good news is that you can grow vegetables at home in January, and they won't take months to grow before harvest.

On a winter day, you should plant cilantro seeds at least half an inch into the soil in a corner where there will be plenty of sunlight, and space them 10-12 inches apart. Do not water the soil too much and the crop will be ready in 45-70 days. Here you can grow Corinda at home without soil.

Grow peas indoors in January.

Grow peas indoors in January.

You can grow peas indoors in harsh January weather. All you have to do is plant each pea about an inch deep and plant it at least a few inches apart from other peas.

To get started, plants need a good amount of fertilizer and enough water. Cover the lid with fine mesh to prevent the birds from picking up the sprouts. By March 2024, the harvest will be ready and you will be able to enjoy home-grown green peas.

Don't miss: A step-by-step guide to growing banana plants in pots at home.

Grow peppers indoors in January.

Grow peppers indoors in January.

If you're a gardener, you know that peppers do well in cold climates. You can plant the seeds of this vegetable already at the beginning of January. They are rich in vitamins C, E and A, and you will get results in two months.

When planting pepper seeds, make sure they are 2 to 4 inches apart. Pepper is prone to pest attacks, so it is necessary to take measures to protect them from the plant. Here's a complete guide to growing peppers indoors.

Use the tips above to prepare your home garden by January 2024 and harvest fresh vegetables in just a few months.

Never throw them away again!! Used sponges are pure gold to have at home and in the garden.

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