Gardening Expert Reveals Fingernail Test To Ensure ‘perfect Fall Harvest: ‘A Dent, But Not A Cut

Gardening Expert Reveals Fingernail Test To Ensure ‘perfect Fall Harvest: ‘A Dent, But Not A Cut

If you are new to gardening, one problem you may encounter is not knowing when to harvest your plant. Luckily, Jacques (@jacquesinthegarden) has an Instagram feed full of tips for harvesting the perfect winter squash crop.

a spoon

At the end of summer and beginning of autumn, gardeners start collecting winter zucchini. If you're not sure when your pumpkin is ripe, follow Jacque's simple tips, using his Kabocha pumpkin as an example.

One test is the "nail test," where you stick your fingernail into the skin of a pumpkin. If you can only "scratch but not cut" your nails, your pumpkin is ripe.

If you're growing pumpkins on a vine in the ground, you may want to look for "field spot," a lighter spot that appears where the pumpkin was in the ground. This is usually a yellow spot and is a good indicator that your pumpkin is ripe.

If you're growing your pumpkin from the ground, you won't have room in the field, but you can also check the stem to see if the pumpkin is ready to eat. When the stem starts to shrivel, dry out and turn brown, your pumpkin is ripe.

Because an unripe pumpkin is lighter and shinier than a ripe one, you can tell if it is ripe.

How does it help?

After all the time, money and energy you've invested in your garden, you want to make sure you're getting the most out of it without wasting anything. With these tips, you can be sure you've picked your pumpkin at the right time.

If you harvest pumpkins or any produce too early, you'll find that the flavor can be bland and even less nutritious. You don't want to miss out on all the flavor and health benefits of fresh produce, so be sure to pick it when it's ripe.

There are many methods of processing after harvesting, but it is better to choose in time. A little care of your garden during harvest will ensure that you harvest neither too early nor too late.

What is everyone saying?

Gardeners in Jacques' comments section loved these tips.

One commenter said: “Great advice. Answers all my questions! »

All this pumpkin talk made some even hungry, and one said, "Now I want kabochi!"

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