Cooking Is So Much More Fun With An Indoor Garden

Cooking Is So Much More Fun With An Indoor Garden

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Anyone who's bought a bag of cilantro at the store and roasted it before starting those burrito bowls knows how unpleasant it can be. However, there is a solution to this problem: grow your own.

One of the simplest and easiest ways to get fresh tomatoes and basil for your bruschetta habit year-round is to start an indoor hydroponic garden. Instead of using soil to provide nutrients to plants, these systems suspend plants, flowers, vegetables and some fruits in fertilized water, often under LED lights that mimic the effects of sunlight. All of this means that these little gardens can thrive in even the tiniest of apartments.

Check out some of the best indoor hydroponic gardens below:

Meet the experts:
José-Luis Iurza, Ph.D., is a lecturer and research advisor in Environmental Sciences at the University of Maryland.
Ashley Thomas is a professional gardener and author of How to Garden.
Jason Reed is the associate master gardener and horticulture educator for PennState Extension.

"They are very easy to use on a small scale," says José-Luis Iurza, Ph.D., professor of environmental sciences and research advisor at the University of Maryland. If you want to grow just one crop over and over again, you can because there's no need to leave the soil dormant or rotate crops, he explains. "If you really like salad, for example, you can eat it all the time."

Does it sound like a dream to you? Based on thoughtful customer reviews and gardening tips, here are the best indoor hydroponic gardens you can order right now.

Smart garden 9

Even if you live in the smallest apartment, you can grow flowers, herbs and vegetables in your kitchen. You get tomato, basil, and lettuce capsules (and you also get access to the Click and Grow companion program).

This indoor hydroponic garden is great because it comes in white, gray and beige colors and has automatic watering. Critics love it for its simplicity and how much you can plant with it. The main part? With it you can grow plants 365 days a year!

rave review: “I love it. It hasn't even been a week and I'm already getting green flowers.

Smart garden 9

Even if you live in the smallest apartment, you can grow flowers, herbs and vegetables in your kitchen. You get tomato, basil, and lettuce capsules (and you also get access to the Click and Grow companion program).

This indoor hydroponic garden is great because it comes in white, gray and beige colors and has automatic watering. Critics love it for its simplicity and how much you can plant with it. The main part? With it you can grow plants 365 days a year!

rave review: “I love it. It hasn't even been a week and I'm already getting green flowers.

Indoor hydroponic garden

AeroGarden is an easy-to-use hydroponic garden. Check your plant control panel to know when it's time to add water or feed your plant. The garden has six sets of seeds including Genovese basil, parsley, dill, thyme, Thai basil and mint.

"It's a very popular hydroponic garden," Thomas said. "I know from experience that it works really well not only with herbs, but also with some of the smaller greens that we have to eat, like kale and lettuce." He adds that AeroGarden is a very reputable brand and it's nice to be able to adjust the height of the lights.

Amazing review: "We don't get much sun in our house and no plants can survive the winter months. So I bought this as a gift for my herb lover because she loves to cook. Three weeks later and here we are! We are really beautiful. I'm amazed at how how easy it was and how fast the herbs are already growing. Can't wait to cook with them. Highly recommend!"

Hydroponic growing system

This hydroponic garden offers three grow modes so you can adjust the number of hours of light your plants receive. It can process up to nine plants at once and the height of the light can be adjusted according to the growing vegetables.

"If you're looking for something a little more simple, I recommend this, it's very effective," Thomas said. You can turn on the lights to control the growth of your plants. "That's something we don't see in all hydroponic systems," he said.

Amazing review: “Bought this for my mom to grow herbs. She's not very tech savvy, but she loves it! It's so easy to set up and the plants grow like crazy! Low maintenance for many rewards.”

Read also: Indoor plants for dimly lit rooms

Hydroponic growing system

This hydroponic garden offers three grow modes so you can adjust the number of hours of light your plants receive. It can process up to nine plants at once and the height of the light can be adjusted according to the growing vegetables.

"If you're looking for something a little more simple, I recommend this, it's very effective," Thomas said. You can turn on the lights to control the growth of your plants. "That's something we don't see in all hydroponic systems," he said.

Amazing review: “Bought this for my mom to grow herbs. She's not very tech savvy, but she loves it! It's so easy to set up and the plants grow like crazy! Low maintenance for many rewards.”

Read also: Indoor plants for dimly lit rooms

Indoor garden plant

You can use the GrowLED herb garden to grow a variety of plants, from succulents to vegetables. It is designed with a smart timer that provides your plants with 16 hours of light for photosynthesis and another eight hours with the LED off for plant rest.

"If you can find something reasonably priced, especially if you're just starting out and want to try your hand at hydroponic gardening, it's a great option," says Thomas. It has built-in LED lights and is small but has enough space for your plants to grow. He recommends starting here with small herbs or vegetables to test the height. This is another great garden for beginners.

Enthusiastic testimonial: “I bought this for my bedroom which has very little natural light so I can grow succulents and herbs in the winter. I've only had it for a few days, but my plants haven't complained yet.

Indoor garden plant

You can use the GrowLED herb garden to grow a variety of plants, from succulents to vegetables. It is designed with a smart timer that provides your plants with 16 hours of light for photosynthesis and another eight hours with the LED off for plant rest.

"If you can find something reasonably priced, especially if you're just starting out and want to try your hand at hydroponic gardening, it's a great option," says Thomas. It has built-in LED lights and is small but has enough space for your plants to grow. He recommends starting here with small herbs or vegetables to test the height. This is another great garden for beginners.

Enthusiastic testimonial: “I bought this for my bedroom which has very little natural light so I can grow succulents and herbs in the winter. I've only had it for a few days, but my plants haven't complained yet.

Indoor smart home garden

If you're looking for a hydroponic garden that's big enough to feed your entire family, consider this one from Garden. Up to 30 plants can grow in just two square feet of space. You can buy seeds directly from Gardin and this includes all kinds of herbs, flowers and vegetables.

"It's great to choose a tower garden, especially if someone really wants more versatility in where they can put that kind of equipment," says Thomas. This really maximizes your growth and keeps the house alive and can help grow plants all year round.

Review: "The curtain system is a very user-friendly gardening system that allows me to grow up to 30 different plants. The included software is intuitive and very functional, helping to maintain the curtains and propagate large plants in a variety of ways. . . A must for growing fruits and vegetables in closed soil should be. A unique system!!"

Bounty Basic Indoor Herb Garden

AeroGarden offers such a wide variety of hydroponic gardens that this list would be remiss if we didn't include one of their highest rated options. Grow nine plants compact enough to fit on your kitchen counter or windowsill in the Bounty Basic Garden. The LED lights are automatically controlled to provide optimal growing conditions for your herbs and vegetables.

“When it comes to automating your systems, it has a lot of features,” explains Thomas. So, for example, you can set a time to turn on the light. If you've always wanted to have a garden but are too busy to do it regularly, this is for you.

rave review: "I'm just going to jump on the bandwagon and give this thing a thumbs up. I've never gardened before, but now I'm in love. The AeroGarden really makes it so easy and seamless."

Read also: Plants are the hardest to kill


Although this garden can be used outdoors, purchase light rings (sold separately) for indoor use as well. They will provide your plants with a sufficient amount of "sunlight". Once you've planted your plants, tending to them takes less than five minutes a week because the garden is self-watering and fertilizing.

Its unique look will blend well with your decor, and its modular design allows you to grow 12 to 36 (!) plants. It also has a 20-gallon water tank to quench the thirst of your plants and offers a rotating menu of "outdoor" crops. To love!

rave review: "What a great product. Everything is top notch. The tower is well built and a great alternative to the grocery store, great for winter. It's also a positive vibe."

Aquarium water garden

This indoor hydroponic garden is interesting because it is both an aquarium and a garden where you can grow microgreens. Fish waste fertilizes plants, and plants clean water. With it, you can grow succulents or houseplants all year round and harvest plants in just 10 days.

Its value is amazing because you get so much more than just a tank. This version contains radish and wheatgrass seeds. You will also receive a water conditioner, seed growing medium, water dechlorinator, fish food and a fish coupon.

Exciting testimonial: "Since pets can be too much of a responsibility for a New Yorker, I decided to try just one fish as an adult. I had a fish when I was younger and times were simpler, but now there are so many accessories and ideas ..What to do." I wanted a simple, eco-friendly solution with a nice presentation to have something to eat and look at. This water garden has tested all brands.

Aquarium water garden

This indoor hydroponic garden is interesting because it is both an aquarium and a garden where you can grow microgreens. Fish waste fertilizes plants, and plants clean water. With it, you can grow succulents or houseplants all year round and harvest plants in just 10 days.

Its value is amazing because you get so much more than just a tank. This version contains radish and wheatgrass seeds. You will also receive a water conditioner, seed growing medium, water dechlorinator, fish food and a fish coupon.

Rev Review: "Since pets can be too much of a problem for a New Yorker, I decided to try just one fish as an adult. I had a fish when I was younger and times were simpler, but now there are so many accessories and ideas I wanted a simple, eco-friendly solution with a nice presentation to have something to eat and look at, this water garden checked all the brands.

Aquarium water garden

This indoor hydroponic garden is interesting because it is both an aquarium and a garden where you can grow microgreens. Fish waste fertilizes plants, and plants clean water. with it you can grow सारा बलर रसालो or house plants and you can harvest plants in just 10 days.

Its value is amazing because you get so much more than just a tank. This version contains radish and wheatgrass seeds. You will also receive a water conditioner, seed growing medium, water dechlorinator, fish food and a fish coupon.

Rev Review: "Since pets can be too much of a problem for a New Yorker, I decided to try just one fish as an adult. I had a fish when I was younger and times were simpler, but now there are so many accessories and ideas I wanted a simple, eco-friendly solution with a nice presentation to have something to eat and look at, this water garden checked all the brands.

superfood grow kit

This stylish ceramic grow kit is perfect for those who love microgreens but hate seeing them spoil before use. This allows you to simply pick them up when you're ready to eat them.

For starters, it comes with three seed pods that are guaranteed to germinate within seven days. The garden is also presented in an elegant palette of muted colors such as beige and warm mint.

Rev Review: "It was easy to set up and easy to harvest! There's a great selection of seeds to choose from and they're all good. The money I'll save by not having to go to the store for prepackaged microgreens for sale will pay for itself in no time. " Also, I like not increasing my carbon footprint.

hydroponic growing system

When growing your favorite vegetables and herbs, you want to give them room to grow well. This 10-pod system has more space between the plant baskets, giving them plenty of room for really thriving growth. Dimmable LED lighting means it can grow as your plant grows.

It's perfect for those with limited space, says Thomas. You can keep it on the counter in the kitchen or in a small room. Moreover, more than one plant can be grown in it. "It's perfect for limited space to regularly grow and consume some of your favorite herbs and vegetables," he adds.

Rev Review: "The product was well packaged and the instructions were easy to follow. It came with a complete system to start growing vegetables at home - so good because the seeds are already germinating. I like the auto shut off cycle and the large water tank."

hydroponic growing system

When growing your favorite vegetables and herbs, you want to give them room to grow well. This 10-pod system has more space between the plant baskets, giving them plenty of room for really thriving growth. Dimmable LED lighting means it can grow as your plant grows.

It's perfect for those with limited space, says Thomas. You can keep it on the counter in the kitchen or in a small room. Moreover, more than one plant can be grown in it. "It's perfect for limited space to regularly grow and consume some of your favorite herbs and vegetables," he adds.

Rev Review: "The product was well packaged and the instructions were easy to follow. It came with a complete system to start growing vegetables at home - so good because the seeds are already germinating. I like the auto shut off cycle and the large water tank."

How our team chose the best indoor hydroponic garden

For months, Women's Health editors, including editorial assistant Addison Aloan, researched the best-selling, most popular and highly rated indoor hydroponic gardens. Our team consulted with José Luis Izurza, Ph.D., professor of environmental science at the University of Maryland, and academic advisor and financial professional Ashley Thomas, then evaluated thousands of customer reviews and ratings to narrow down the best products for full inclusion. series per match. demand and choice.

How our team chose the best indoor hydroponic garden

For months, Women's Health editors, including editorial assistant Addison Aloan, researched the best-selling, most popular and highly rated indoor hydroponic gardens. Our team consulted with José Luis Izurza, Ph.D., professor of environmental science at the University of Maryland, and academic advisor and financial professional Ashley Thomas, then evaluated thousands of customer reviews and ratings to narrow down the best products for full inclusion. series per match. demand and choice.

На што звярнуць увагу пры ўладкаванні пакаёвага саду

Перш чым набыць крыты гідрапонны сад, варта ўлічыць некалькі рэчаў.

  • Прастора: пераканайцеся, што яна адпавядае вашаму прасторы. "Вы хочаце знайсці інструменты, якія адпавядаюць вашым рэсурсам", - кажа Томас. Калі ваша прастора невялікая, падумайце аб невялікім крытым гідрапонным садзе. Але калі ў вас ёсць большае адкрытае памяшканне ці нават унутраны дворык, вы можаце пашукаць нешта большае.

  • Кошт: улічыце першапачатковы кошт абсталявання, кажа Томас. Напрыклад, сады ў вежах могуць быць даражэйшымі, у той час як прылаўкі могуць быць таннейшымі. Акрамя таго, ёсць выдаткі, звязаныя з тэхнічным абслугоўваннем, напрыклад, спецыяльныя струкі, у якія ўкладваюцца вашы расліны, пажыўныя рэчывы, неабходныя раслінам для росту, і святлодыёднае асвятленне.

На што звярнуць увагу пры ўладкаванні пакаёвага саду

Перш чым набыць крыты гідрапонны сад, варта ўлічыць некалькі рэчаў.

  • Прастора: пераканайцеся, што яна адпавядае вашаму прасторы. "Вы хочаце знайсці інструменты, якія адпавядаюць вашым рэсурсам", - кажа Томас. Калі ваша прастора невялікая, падумайце аб невялікім крытым гідрапонным садзе. Але калі ў вас ёсць большая адкрытая прастора ці нават унутраны дворык, вы можаце пашукаць нешта большае.

  • Кошт: улічыце першапачатковы кошт абсталявання, кажа Томас. Напрыклад, сады ў вежах могуць быць даражэйшымі, у той час як прылаўкі могуць быць таннейшымі. এছাড়াও, রক্ষণাবেক্ষণের সাথে সম্পর্কিত খরচ রয়েছে, যেমন আপনার গাছগুলি যে বিশেষ শুঁটিগুলিতে আটকে আছে, উদ্ভিদের বৃদ্ধির জন্য প্রয়োজনীয় পুষ্টি এবং LED আলো।

ইনডোর হাইড্রোপনিক বাগানের সুবিধা এবং অসুবিধাগুলি কী কী?

একটি অন্দর হাইড্রোপনিক বাগানে গাছপালা বৃদ্ধির সুবিধা হল যে আপনার ক্রমবর্ধমান মরসুম সারা বছর স্থায়ী হতে পারে এবং আপনি যে কোনও জায়গায় থাকতে পারেন, ইজুরসা বলেছেন।

তবে কয়েকটি বিষয় মাথায় রাখতে হবে। বেশিরভাগ বাগানে জলের পাম্প চালানোর জন্য একটি বৈদ্যুতিক সংযোগের প্রয়োজন হবে এবং একটি সিস্টেমের প্রাথমিক খরচ বেশি হতে পারে, বীজ এবং মাটি কেনার চেয়ে বেশি ব্যয়বহুল।

কিন্তু জেসন রিডের মতে, পেনস্টেট এক্সটেনশনের মাস্টার মালী এবং উদ্যানপালন শিক্ষাবিদ সমন্বয়কারী, এই সিস্টেমগুলির একটি বড় সুবিধা হল তাদের অ্যাক্সেসযোগ্যতা। যেহেতু এগুলি বাড়ির ভিতরে এবং একটি কাউন্টারে থাকে, সেগুলি বজায় রাখা সহজ, বিশেষ করে যাদের গতিশীলতা সীমিত তাদের জন্য৷

এটি পরিবারগুলির জন্যও একটি দুর্দান্ত ক্রিয়াকলাপ কারণ তারা বাচ্চাদের তাদের নিজস্ব লেটুস বৃদ্ধি করে লেটুস খাওয়ার বিষয়ে উত্সাহিত করতে সহায়তা করতে পারে।

ইনডোর হাইড্রোপনিক বাগানের সুবিধা এবং অসুবিধাগুলি কী কী?

একটি অন্দর হাইড্রোপনিক বাগানে গাছপালা বৃদ্ধির সুবিধা হল যে আপনার ক্রমবর্ধমান মরসুম সারা বছর স্থায়ী হতে পারে এবং আপনি যে কোনও জায়গায় থাকতে পারেন, ইজুরসা বলেছেন।

তবে কয়েকটি বিষয় মাথায় রাখতে হবে। বেশিরভাগ বাগানে জলের পাম্প চালানোর জন্য একটি বৈদ্যুতিক সংযোগের প্রয়োজন হবে এবং একটি সিস্টেমের প্রাথমিক খরচ বেশি হতে পারে, বীজ এবং মাটি কেনার চেয়ে বেশি ব্যয়বহুল।

কিন্তু জেসন রিডের মতে, পেনস্টেট এক্সটেনশনের মাস্টার মালী এবং উদ্যানপালন শিক্ষাবিদ সমন্বয়কারী, এই সিস্টেমগুলির একটি বড় সুবিধা হল তাদের অ্যাক্সেসযোগ্যতা। যেহেতু এগুলি বাড়ির ভিতরে এবং একটি কাউন্টারে থাকে, সেগুলি বজায় রাখা সহজ, বিশেষ করে যাদের গতিশীলতা সীমিত তাদের জন্য৷

এটি পরিবারগুলির জন্যও একটি দুর্দান্ত ক্রিয়াকলাপ কারণ তারা বাচ্চাদের তাদের নিজস্ব লেটুস বৃদ্ধি করে লেটুস খাওয়ার বিষয়ে উত্সাহিত করতে সহায়তা করতে পারে।

ইনডোর হাইড্রোপনিক বাগানের সুবিধা এবং অসুবিধাগুলি কী কী?

একটি অন্দর হাইড্রোপনিক বাগানে গাছপালা বৃদ্ধির সুবিধা হল যে আপনার ক্রমবর্ধমান মরসুম সারা বছর স্থায়ী হতে পারে এবং আপনি যে কোনও জায়গায় থাকতে পারেন, ইজুরসা বলেছেন।

তবে কয়েকটি বিষয় মাথায় রাখতে হবে। বেশিরভাগ বাগানে জলের পাম্প চালানোর জন্য একটি বৈদ্যুতিক সংযোগের প্রয়োজন হবে এবং একটি সিস্টেমের প্রাথমিক খরচ বেশি হতে পারে, বীজ এবং মাটি কেনার চেয়ে বেশি ব্যয়বহুল।

কিন্তু জেসন রিডের মতে, পেনস্টেট এক্সটেনশনের মাস্টার মালী এবং উদ্যানপালন শিক্ষাবিদ সমন্বয়কারী, এই সিস্টেমগুলির একটি বড় সুবিধা হল তাদের অ্যাক্সেসযোগ্যতা। যেহেতু এগুলি বাড়ির ভিতরে এবং একটি কাউন্টারে থাকে, সেগুলি বজায় রাখা সহজ, বিশেষ করে যাদের গতিশীলতা সীমিত তাদের জন্য৷

এটি পরিবারগুলির জন্যও একটি দুর্দান্ত ক্রিয়াকলাপ কারণ তারা বাচ্চাদের তাদের নিজস্ব লেটুস বৃদ্ধি করে লেটুস খাওয়ার বিষয়ে উত্সাহিত করতে সহায়তা করতে পারে।

তাদের কি অনেক রক্ষণাবেক্ষণের প্রয়োজন হয়?

বেশিরভাগ জিনিসের মতো, হাইড্রোপনিক বাগানগুলি আপনি যতটা সহজ বা জটিল হতে চান, রিড বলেছেন। সর্বনিম্নভাবে, আপনি আপনার বাগানটিকে এমন একটি জায়গায় রাখতে চান যেখানে এটি দিনে কমপক্ষে তিন থেকে চার ঘন্টা সরাসরি সূর্যের আলো পাবে, এমনকি যদি আপনার সেটআপে কিছু ধরণের LED গ্রো লাইট অন্তর্ভুক্ত থাকে।

"যখন আমরা এমন উদ্ভিদের কথা বলি যেগুলি পূর্ণ সূর্য পছন্দ করে বা আংশিক ছায়া সহ্য করে, আমরা সর্বদা একটি বড় পারমাণবিক চালিত ফায়ারবলের কথা বলছি," রিড বলেছেন। অন্য কথায়, উদ্ভিদের উন্নতির জন্য প্রচুর আলোর প্রয়োজন। রিড বলেন, "এখনও এই বিষয়গুলো নিয়ে অনেক আলোকপাত করা দরকার। এটা এমন নয় যে আমরা একে এক কোণে রেখে যেতে পারি।"

আপনি শেওলা এড়াতে সিস্টেমটিকে পরিষ্কার রাখতে চাইবেন, যদিও সাধারণত আপনাকে এটি বা কীটপতঙ্গ সম্পর্কে খুব বেশি চিন্তা করতে হবে না, রিড বলে।

আপনার পানি নিয়ে একটু বেশি চিন্তা করতে হবে। রিড প্রতিটি ফসল কাটার পরে এটিকে পরিবর্তন করার পরামর্শ দেয়, সতর্কতা অবলম্বন করে * এটিকে ড্রেনের নিচে ফ্লাশ না করা কারণ এতে সার রয়েছে। পরিবর্তে, আপনি বাইরের বাগানে থাকা অন্য কোনও বাড়ির গাছ বা গাছপালা খাওয়ানোর জন্য জল ব্যবহার করতে পারেন।

তাদের কি অনেক রক্ষণাবেক্ষণের প্রয়োজন হয়?

বেশিরভাগ জিনিসের মতো, হাইড্রোপনিক বাগানগুলি আপনি যতটা সহজ বা জটিল হতে চান, রিড বলেছেন। সর্বনিম্নভাবে, আপনি আপনার বাগানটিকে এমন একটি জায়গায় রাখতে চান যেখানে এটি দিনে কমপক্ষে তিন থেকে চার ঘন্টা সরাসরি সূর্যের আলো পাবে, এমনকি যদি আপনার সেটআপে কিছু ধরণের LED গ্রো লাইট অন্তর্ভুক্ত থাকে।

"যখন আমরা এমন উদ্ভিদের কথা বলি যেগুলি পূর্ণ সূর্য পছন্দ করে বা আংশিক ছায়া সহ্য করে, আমরা সর্বদা একটি বড় পারমাণবিক চালিত ফায়ারবলের কথা বলছি," রিড বলেছেন। অন্য কথায়, উদ্ভিদের উন্নতির জন্য প্রচুর আলোর প্রয়োজন। রিড বলেন, "এখনও এই বিষয়গুলো নিয়ে অনেক আলোকপাত করা দরকার। এটা এমন নয় যে আমরা একে এক কোণে রেখে যেতে পারি।"

আপনি শেওলা এড়াতে সিস্টেমটিকে পরিষ্কার রাখতে চাইবেন, যদিও সাধারণত আপনাকে এটি বা কীটপতঙ্গ সম্পর্কে খুব বেশি চিন্তা করতে হবে না, রিড বলে।

আপনার পানি নিয়ে একটু বেশি চিন্তা করতে হবে। রিড প্রতিটি ফসল কাটার পরে এটিকে পরিবর্তন করার পরামর্শ দেয়, সতর্কতা অবলম্বন করে * এটিকে ড্রেনের নিচে ফ্লাশ না করা কারণ এতে সার রয়েছে। পরিবর্তে, আপনি বাইরের বাগানে থাকা অন্য কোনও বাড়ির গাছ বা গাছপালা খাওয়ানোর জন্য জল ব্যবহার করতে পারেন।

সেরা হোম পণ্য আরো কেনাকাটা

মশা তাড়ানোর গাছ | অ্যামাজন থেকে পতনের সজ্জা | কৃত্রিম ক্রিসমাস ট্রি | জাল গাছপালা

তুমিও পছন্দ করতে পার

একটি বাগান সহ একটি বাড়ি এবং একটি রান্নাঘর সম্পূর্ণরূপে ডিজাইন করা হয়েছে (হাউস ট্যুর)

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