Want To Garden During Winter? Follow These Tips To Start Seeds Indoors

Want To Garden During Winter? Follow These Tips To Start Seeds Indoors

Growing seeds indoors is pretty much the same thing a gardener can get in late winter in Greater Columbus. Growing seeds indoors allows you to create seedlings from seedlings or start them in two to eight weeks, depending on the crop and growth rate, then plant these plants outdoors in your garden, where the plants will mature and produce fresh, nutritious vegetables. . Later this spring and summer.

Here are my top ten tips for successfully growing seeds at home:

#1. Choose the right seeds for indoor growing . Vegetables that can be grown successfully indoors include Brussels sprouts, eggplant, kale, lettuce, collard greens, onions, okra, peppers, tomatoes, broccoli, cabbage -flower and cabbage. Some seeds that may be a little more difficult to plant successfully indoors include celery, Swiss chard, cucumbers, melons, squash, spinach, and zucchini.

#2: Plant at the Right Time The right time to sow seeds indoors for seedlings depends on when they can be safely planted outdoors after the last frost in Greater Columbus. Cool season crops such as lettuce and cabbage can be sown outdoors in early March and indoors in late February and into March. Warm season crops such as tomatoes, eggplant, peppers and others should generally be planted indoors six to eight weeks before the last frost date, which is usually May 1. This means you can start planting this crop next week!

#3 - Avoid Using Natural Soil - Soilless seed mixes are the best medium to use when growing seeds indoors. Even good clay natural garden soil with enough organic matter is too heavy for proper germination and seedling growth when growing seeds indoors. This soil will also contain weed seeds and may contain pathogens.

Many soilless seed mixes are available at local garden centers. These mixes are sterile and usually contain a combination of peat, vermiculite and perlite. I prefer a mix that contains vermiculite because this natural mineral promotes germination.

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#4 Use only clean containers. A variety of containers are suitable for growing seeds indoors, including ones you keep on hand. I like to use black plastic containers after drilling drainage holes. Small peat pots and plastic seed planting bags can be purchased online or at a local garden center.

All containers should have drainage holes and trays should be placed under the container to collect excess water. Make sure containers are properly sterilized before use. Wash in soapy water, then rinse with a solution of 1 part bleach to 10 parts water. Dry well before adding potting soil.

#5 Keep seedlings away from window sills . Natural light from a window is seldom sufficient for good and vigorous seedling growth. Seedlings growing on windowsills will have thin, long, elongated stems that bend towards the light, and the plants will lack vigor. Acceptable plant growth can sometimes be achieved on south-facing windows, large bay windows and verandas.

The best way to grow seedlings indoors is to grow them under fluorescent and grow lights, which allow you to control the length of light available and the quality of light, including lengths of light. blue and red waves. Grow lights suitable for growing seedlings are available at local garden centers and online.

#6: Soil temperature is important. The temperature of the seed mix is ​​more important than the ambient temperature of the room you are growing the seeds in. For optimal germination, soilless seed mix temperatures should be at least 70 degrees F, especially for heat-loving crops like tomatoes, peppers, and eggplant.

Consider purchasing an electric starter mat that will heat seeds evenly to 10 to 20 degrees above room temperature. This is especially important if you are growing your seedlings in a cool place, such as a basement.

7. Don't over-fertilize. Seedlings obtain the energy needed to germinate from the nutrients stored in the seeds. They don't need to be fertilized until they have several sets of true leaves. A soilless mix contains no nutrients, so a water-soluble all-purpose fertilizer should be applied once a week when the seedlings are developing true leaves. Choose a fertilizer high in potassium, as this nutrient is essential for root development.

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#8 Keep the seedling mix moist. Always keep the soil moist, but not too moist. Depending on the ambient temperature and exposure to light, it should be watered once or twice a week. Sprinklers can be useful for watering, especially before and during germination.

No. 9 - Upper container. If your seedlings outgrow the containers they are planted in, you can transplant them into larger containers. Lift the seedling behind the root ball, using a spoon for support if necessary. Never hold the seedling by the stem, as you may crush or damage the growing point. Larger plants in larger containers will require more space and often a different set of bulbs.

#10 – Strengthen seedlings. Plants grown indoors will not be exposed to direct sunlight, wind or temperature fluctuations. If they don't gradually adapt to the outside environment, a process called "hardening off", their leaves can burn from the sun or wind. They may even wither and die.

Two weeks before planting in the open ground, plant the seedlings on the street. Start by placing them outside in the shade on a hot afternoon, sheltered from the wind for a few hours. Bring them inside before the temperature starts to drop overnight. Leave the plants a little longer each day and expose them to direct sunlight. At the end of the two weeks, if freezing temperatures are not expected, the seedlings can be left outside in a sunny location until you are ready to transplant them into the garden.

Mike Hogan is a professor of agriculture and natural resources and an assistant professor at Ohio State University.


This article first appeared on The Columbus Dispatch: Mike Hogan's Top 10 Tips for Growing Seeds at Home Successfully

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