Spring brings an explosion of buds to your garden and plenty of gardening classes and events. Just a few of the many events that will make it easier for you to start the gardening season.
First, Warner's Nursery is only offering Root Camp sessions on Saturdays from March 11 through June 3. These courses are $10 each at 1101 E. Butler Ave. in Flagstaff. Pre-registration is not required, but if you would like to secure your spot (remember how popular camp has been over the past year), visit: https://warnercompanies.com/warners-root-camp-2023/ . Grades are 10-11. and if you participate, you'll get a $10 token to use at Warner.
March 11: Pruning with Mick Henry. In this session, we'll cover all the basics and benefits of having your trees pruned by a local Flagstaff arborist.
March 18: The seed begins with Jackie and Steve Alston. Join us as we teach you how to plant grass, vegetable and flower seeds for the exciting gardening season ahead.
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March 25: Harvest and garden planning with Tina Gustafson. Learn how to choose the right varieties of plants for our area, when to plant and when to plant.
April 1: Season extension withjacket and Steve Alston. Start your gardening early by using season extenders that warm the soil or warm the air around the soil to create a more hospitable microclimate for your plants.
April 8: Creative Landscaping for DIYers with Chris Dixon. Note: This course takes place at 10:00 a.m. at 2:00 p.m. Designed for the DIY enthusiast, we'll walk you through the steps of creative landscaping for your own backyard.
April 15: Vegetable Garden with Jim Mast. Learn top ideas for creating a thriving garden in Flagstaff from a longtime master gardener.
April 22nd: Using and installing drip irrigation with Linda Guarino. This session will discuss the pros and cons of different irrigation systems.
April 29: Compost with Frank Branham. In this course you will learn how to turn leftover food and other materials into high quality plant compost.
May 6: Raised beds and container gardening with Janan Scott. If you're dealing with limited space or poor soil, learn the benefits and practices of container and raised bed gardening.
May 13: Perennial native plants for Gail Gratop's garden. Join us at Warner's Nursery to explore available native plants, their needs and benefits, and how to incorporate them into your landscape.
May 20: Water Conservation for Gardening with Emily Melhorn. From drip irrigation to rainwater harvesting and using native plants, there are many ways to grow a lush garden while conserving water.
June 3: Organic pest control with Hattie Brown. Stop Don't just reach for the spray bottle. There are other methods of pest control in the vegetable garden.
Second, the Coconino Master Gardeners Association, in partnership with Coconino Community College, will offer four vegetable gardening classes, all for $15. Offered on Tuesdays, March 22 - April 12 from 5:30 - 7:00 p.m. on the 4th Street Campus (3000 N Fourth St, Flagstaff, AZ). Online zoom option is available. Please register at https://ccc-flagstaff.coursestorm.com/course/beginning-vegetable-gardening. If you want to save the location, check the appropriate box.
March 22: Plan Your Garden by Jim Mast. Get great tips from a local expert for planning your edible garden.
March 29: Best Vegetable for Coconino County by Hattie Brown. We will cover short season, heirloom and grow flagstaff availability. seed library.
April 5: Start of seed and plant care by Gail Gratop. Propagation is explained in plain language for all experience levels, along with advice on caring for newly planted seedlings and beginners.
April 12: Soils and Composting by Hattie Brown and Frank Branham. Find out what type of soil you have and how to fertilize, modify and build up your garden soil.
Third, head to Viola's Flower Garden, 610 S. State Route 89A, Flagstaff for fun springtime activities. The 2023 Pansy Party and Tomato Festival are major annual events kicking off the spring season. Check her website for updates: https://www.violasflowergarden.com/
Finally, mark these great garden-related events on your calendar.
May 3rd. Opening day of the Arboretum. We know spring is here when the arboretum opens. For more information, visit their website at https://tearb.org/
May 6th, May 13th and May 27th: Farmers' Market at Pine Forest Charter School. 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Local vendors sell snacks, plants and garden products. Email: flagstafflily@gmail.com for more information.
May 20: Museum of Northern Arizona Plant Sale and Garden Festival at Colton Community Garden. There are too many educational events at the garden to list, including an upcoming seed exchange in April, a plant donation from East Valley Baptist Church on June 3, and a botany class from NAU's Jackie Alston. You can find these events and more on the Coconino Master Gardener Association blog calendar at http://coconinomgassociation.blogspot.com/.
Hattie Brown is the District Director of the University of Arizona Coconino Cooperative Extension and Coordinator of the Coconino Master Gardener Program.