Gardening Promotes Positive Body Image

Gardening Promotes Positive Body Image

This article was originally published on the Clean Eating website.

A study published in the journal Ecopsychology found that gardeners have significantly higher levels of respect for their bodies, pride in their bodies, and appreciation for their bodily functions than non-gardeners.

This appreciation and acceptance comes not from burning calories working in the sun, but from the ability to work the land to produce food and plants that nourish the body.

"A positive body image is beneficial because it helps increase mental and physical resilience, which contributes to overall well-being." said Biren Swami, author of the study. "The results of this new study are important because they show significant benefits of spending time in what are typically small green spaces in urban settings."

The study also found that the longer a gardener worked in the garden, the more their positive body image increased.

Swami hopes that this research will inspire more communities to create gardens and create more public spaces.

“It is therefore very important to ensure that everyone has access to gardening, and this can help reduce the long-term burden of spending on medical services,” he explained. “One way to achieve this, beyond a policy that guarantees access to nature for all citizens, is to provide dedicated and sustainable patches to the community.”

Jones Valley Training Farm works to address hunger in their community through nutrition education. This nonprofit organization serves students in kindergarten through grade 12 who may not have access to good whole foods and want to learn more about farm-to-table diets.

This spring, our parent company, Outside, Inc. 's Find Your Good program launched in partnership with 14 nonprofit organizations that share our mission to get everyone out of the house to keep the planet healthy. We hope to raise $5,000 for the Jones Valley Training Farm as it continues to grow and develop its community. We need your help!

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