Elaine Sanders: Indoor Gardening Activities Offer Therapeutic Benefits During A Long, Cold Winter

Elaine Sanders: Indoor Gardening Activities Offer Therapeutic Benefits During A Long, Cold Winter

Home gardening — watering, pruning, restoring houseplants, and socializing with greenery — has a positive effect on our mental and physical well-being, boosting not only morale, but also creativity, productivity, and concentration, even lowering blood pressure.

Time spent at home growing plants provides psychological comfort, a chance to relieve stress and calm an overworked nervous system, it is just as beneficial as outdoor gardening, but less taxing on the knees and back, and a little dirtier than work. on the bed. .

Anyone, young or old, can get involved in indoor gardening, including apartment dwellers who want to feel connected to plants but don't have a garden yard.

The only difference between outdoor and indoor gardening is that houseplants are completely dependent on looking after their needs, so proper watering and proper placement are essential, especially in the typical inhospitable and dry conditions of the long Montreal winters.

So if your home is dimly lit, complement it with a grow lamp. To increase humidity, spray houseplants regularly and group them in one place, such as a cozy "quiet corner" for houseplants where you can read and relax in peace. Growing plants in terrariums or water trays filled with pebbles is another way to control humidity.

Branches of houseplants can also be grown in jars of water placed along a visible sunny window. There are many ways to enjoy the therapeutic benefits of indoor plants during the long cold winter.

Growing Christmas cacti

Some houseplants really lift your spirits, blooming even on the dreariest of days. The Christmas cactus (schlumbergera) is one such plant with bright purple flowers at the tips of cascading succulent stems when outside temperatures and day length drop starting in late November.

This holiday plant makes a great holiday gift and is easy to propagate, providing proper care, of course. A suitable place for Christmas cacti is a well-lit bathroom or kitchen, where the humidity is high and there are no cold drafts.

grow herbs

Growing herbs is easy, fun and healthy even if you don't cook with them. Choose three to five jars of your favorite herbs and place them on your kitchen counter under a hidden fluorescent light. Rubbing the leaves will release their aromatic oils, releasing pleasant memories of summer.

Spend time caring for your plants

Set aside time during the week to care for your houseplants in the same way you would to exercise, clean, or meditate. Try listening to your favorite music so that caring for your plants is less stressful. Water houseplants only when necessary, and make sure the containers have drainage holes so that excess water doesn't rot the roots.

Use a damp cloth to rub the large leaves to keep them shiny. Thoroughly wash plants with small leaves using a shower head instead of trying to clean each leaf. Inspect the plants for mites and other common houseplant pests and cut off any dead leaves. Listening to your favorite music will make plant care easier.

Black fingers take note. The trick to having a green thumb is perseverance, ideally with the will to succeed even if one or two plants die along the way. Houseplants need light, water, and air to survive, but a one-sided approach is not the best strategy. Learn the unique needs of your plants like a new puppy.

Remember the old saying, "Talk to your plants"? When you talk to your plants, you will naturally be close enough to know what they need from you. So talk to your houseplants regularly. Just make sure no one in the room can hear you while you're doing this.

Elaine Sanders can be contacted at gardensolutions@sympatico.ca.

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