Gardening Eased Lockdown Loneliness As Pandemic Paralyzed Britain

Gardening Eased Lockdown Loneliness As Pandemic Paralyzed Britain

Medical community gardening helped reduce loneliness as the pandemic crippled the country, a study from the University of Essex has found.

The study, which spanned three years of the COVID-19 crisis, found that gardening programs helped maintain mental health despite a sharp decline in national well-being.

The study followed people with mental health issues as they worked in therapeutic community gardens run by the charity Trust Links between 2019 and 2022.

When they planted, planted and cared for vegetables and flowers, their life satisfaction and mental well-being increased by 9%.

Incredibly, the study used data collected before the coronavirus plunged the world into unprecedented lockdowns and captured the benefits that nature-based therapeutic interventions can bring in times of crisis.

Dr Carly Wood is now calling for more investment and research in therapeutic horticulture, which could reduce pressure on the NHS.

Dr Wood, from the School of Sport, Rehabilitation and Exercise, said: "There is growing evidence to support the use of nature-based interventions to treat mental illness and great potential to increase mental health. use of therapeutic community gardening. NHS Green Social Determination Scheme.

“The pandemic has shed all light and shown that even as we survive unprecedented disruptions and shocks, community gardening has the power to help some of the most vulnerable people in society.

"I hope this study will demonstrate the power of therapeutic community gardening and inspire more research into its benefits."

The work, published in the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, surveyed 53 volunteers working in gardens .

Although most of them frequent the association's gardens, research has shown that loneliness has decreased, while well-being and life satisfaction have increased.

The Links Trust welcomed the study and hopes more will be done to assess the benefits of therapeutic horticulture.

Matt King, CEO, said: “Through this evaluation with the University of Essex, it is clear that our Growing Together therapeutic community gardening projects are having a strong impact on mental health and wellbeing by improving connections with others, providing positive activities, giving people meaning and hope in their lives and allowing people to spend time outdoors with nature.

"New investment in these services will help reduce the demand on the NHS and social care, helping us to develop communities and change lives."

The research is the latest in Essex's groundbreaking research into the benefits of green exercise.

The term was coined at a university almost 20 years ago, and since then numerous studies have supported the calming power of nature and how it can save taxpayers money while improving lives.

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