Guns To Garden Tools

Gun transformed into garden tool at Manhattan church: SEE IT - New York ...

Mike Martin, founder of the non-profit organization RAWtools, explained that weapons brought to shopping events are stored in cylinders for disposal, then destroyed with saws and finally melted to make garden tools.

Denver residents who didn't want guns in their homes had no choice but to dispose of their guns. However, a new arms buyback program allows people to participate in events where they can donate their weapons to RAWtools, a non-profit organization that turns firearms into productive garden tools. Since spring, the program has hosted six shopping events, the most recent of which was held on August 20 at Aurora's Living Water Christian Center Church.

"I am thinking about how to respond to the increase in the number of firearm accidents in our city," said Amanda Sawyer, Denver City Councilman, which represents the 5th district, which covers most of northeastern Denver. . Sawyer, along with board member Aurora Curtis Gardner, created a partnership between the cities of Denver and Aurora to sponsor and fund the events, with additional funding provided by a grant from the Denver Broncos.

"We are seeing an increase in suicides, accidents or violent incidents due to the presence of firearms," ​​Sawyer said. "But if we take them out of their homes and off the streets, it will be a huge burden on society, and so the point of buying weapons is harm reduction."

Connectivity with RAWtools was an important aspect of the program. Based in Colorado Springs, RAWtools has been hosting firearms buying events across the country for nine years. They now represent their organization in Denver and Aurora, joining board members to provide opportunities for our community.

At RAWtools' purchase event in Aurora in August, Fred Martin demonstrated how to cut a gun in half. More than 600 weapons were dismantled in five previous events this year.

"When you go to events, you stay in the car with the gun stuck in the back seat or trunk," says Mike Martin, CEO of RAWtools. "Then a RAWtools representative will come and remove the weapon from your vehicle, deactivate it at the fire extinguisher station and cut it at the saw station. After that, you will receive a Visa gift card and you are good to go."

The nonprofit breaks up and turns gun parts into garden tools, which are sold on

As part of the rescue, the non-automatic rifles pay $ 50, the pistols or semi-automatic rifles $ 150, and the assault weapons $ 250. The company then melts and turns the material into garden tools (and some decorations) and sells the products on their website.

The 2012 Sandy Hook shooting led to CEO Mike Martin and his father, Fred Martin, launching RAWtools to take guns off the streets.

Martin talks about the success of the show. "In the first five rescues, we gave away over 600 firearms. Most of the purchases we make are between 120 and 150, which is typical for a municipality of this size."

People who participate in firearms purchase events are completely anonymous throughout the process. But the program offers participants the opportunity to fill out a voluntary survey as to why they had the guns and their reasons for giving it up now.

"The panning shows the common reasons people get rid of guns," Councilor Sawyer said. "Some now have children and are worried at home. Others say they are going through a mental health crisis and are afraid they might hurt themselves or others. And we have told people that the gun belongs to a family member, but now he's in custody, so they don't want a gun in the house. "

Sawyer also shared some anecdotes from the members that he found particularly moving.

"Later, one of the rescuers told us they had a seizure but did not commit suicide, because they had already handed over their weapons. And another woman said she gave the weapon her son used to commit suicide and to want it back, knowing that it will become a garden tool and move on to something greater than itself. "

In the program, they organized two more events on arms procurement. The Montbello Buyout will take place on September 17th at the New Life Christian Church (12505 Elmendorf Pl, Denver, CO 80239). The Aurora event will be held on October 15 at the Colorado Community Church (14000 E Jewell Ave, Aurora, CO 80012). Visit for more information on shopping events.

Front page photo by Steve Larson

189 tools will become garden tools

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