Expert Tips For Creating A Balcony Garden As A Beginner

Balcony Gardening In India A Guide For Beginners Kreativemommy

Do you have a patio with a garden but don't know where to start?

The successful patio gardener has a lot to think about, agrees Ellen Mary, influential gardener and co-author of The (, whose new book, How to Grow a Garden, focuses on small spaces and patios. . .

She shares the following balcony gardening tips for beginners...

What are the best balcony plants for beginners?

“The best plants for beginners are annuals, like indoor plants to see how you handle them, and herbs. There's nothing more fun than going out and picking herbs, no matter how big your room is,” says Mary. “They're great for wildlife and insects, and you can let them thrive. Having something productive in a small open space expands the space. probability".

Which plants will use shallow containers as window boxes?

“Calibrachoa (small flowered petunias) are fantastic for this, they bloom for a long season and grow well in any size box or hanging basket. Petunias and surfinias, typical houseplants you buy at a garden center, will do well."

Are there any rules to remember?

“Yes, the most important thing to consider is the weight limit, before you start check if there are any rules about what you can have on the balcony and weight limits.

What are some tips for growing in containers?

"The main thing is not to overfill the pot," said Maria. “We've seen very large hanging baskets with increasing weight. But if you don't have enough pot depth, you can plant less so they don't compete for nutrients and water. But they will fill a balcony box perfectly.

Which herbs look best on the patio?

"It is a good result. You can plant it outside in the summer and it will let you know if it needs watering when it gets a little dry. I also love green onions, which can be grown in any size pot, although they require very little root. space.” he adds.Mary. “If you take it easy, they'll be fine with it. Parsley will also do well in small space pots. Anything that can be planted and grown right away will do, even cilantro.

the story continues

What is the difference between sun and shade?

“If you put too many herbs in pots in full sun, you can have problems. Also, they dry out very quickly in pots and may need more feeding as they use up nutrients and water very quickly.

“Shady areas can be very beneficial for balcony plants, if you have a very open balcony, give the plants some shade by placing a large pot nearby, I have large bamboo pots on my balcony.

“Bamboo provides excellent shade for plants that cannot get full sun all day. Other plants that can help with shade include star jasmine, which grows along balcony railings while providing shade and privacy.

"On a shady patio you can grow a beautiful fern that looks amazing in a pot, and if you combine a few different species, the textures can look absolutely amazing," Mary adds.

"Hosts also do well in shady pots, large maples look great on shady patios and even camellias can look fantastic in large pots."

What other climbers do well on the balcony?

“You can try clematis or, if you have a very large pot, you can plant honeysuckle or even roses. "Many times we think that a balcony or a small space is different from a garden, but in reality it is not," says Mary.

“We just have to think about what aspects and spaces you can use, like in the country. With proper care, most plants, both shrubs and vines, can be grown in pots on the balcony.”

What type of boiler to choose?

“It depends on what kind of look you want. A large pot can look very elegant and simple if it contains a large plant like a hydrangea, and a set of pots allows you to shake things up and grow different things in them.

“Personally, I think if you put too much in a small space, it adds space and can feel quite cramped. But if you want to feel safe in your small space, many pots can help. It's a matter of preference."

How to make the balcony bigger?

“Use accessories like mirrors in your vertical space. If you have limited floor space where you can probably only fit a small table and chair, consider vertical planters as plant hangers that you can attach to walls.

What about irrigation?

"Think about how much time and effort you'll need to put into your patio garden, how much space you have for watering cans and food plants, how much watering you need (smaller pots need to be watered more often than larger ones), and whether: you decide that a straw box would be useful' and it would prevent water from overflowing and dripping onto other people's balconies.

How to grow a garden? Ellen Mary's Beginner's Guide to a Thriving Outdoor Space, published by Greenfinch, is priced at £16.99. Now available.

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