Postholiday Decor Blahs? San Diego Designers Pointers Can Help Reenergize Your Homes Interior

Postholiday Decor Blahs? San Diego Designers Pointers Can Help Reenergize Your Homes Interior

We're in the middle of winter in San Diego and we're hoping all the holiday decorations are finally back in stock. Do you still feel weird hiding fun, colorful and maybe even glamorous trinkets, pillows and trinkets? Does your home look a little dull, especially during the season when there is little sunshine and the weather can be cloudy, damp and cool?

Well, in this new year, we deserve a home update, no matter how simple, to inspire us and give us new energy. We asked seven of our favorite designers for simple, affordable, yet creative ways to redecorate, paint, and make the rooms in our homes more comfortable.

If you decide to get organized, they have some suggestions for you. If you want to add a few subtle colors, including Pantone's Color of the Year, peach fuzz, you'll learn some great ways to combine them. We also have design ideas to help you create an intimate meditation space in the corner of the room. And check out the photos for more inspiration.

From designer Jen Pinto of Jackson Design & Remodeling:

Clear it out and add soft neutrals to the space with blankets, candles and flowers to freshen up the space. Additionally, window coverings help elevate the space and tie everything together. This is a simple application; It doesn't need to be configured.

Adding plants and greenery can really transform a room and make it feel like home. You can do this in the kitchen, living room and bathroom to bring life and warmth to the space.

Adding bookshelves to a room can also change the look without having to remodel the entire room. Stylish placement of bookshelves can really personalize a room to suit your personality and give it a 'designer' look.

From Jennifer Verrut, founder and CEO of Blythe Interiors:

After the festive celebrations, returning to post-festival life can often feel a little sad. The bright decorations have been put away, but winter is still here. Instead of returning to your regular everyday outfit, take this opportunity to bring some post-holiday energy into your home. Consider creating a transitional atmosphere that bridges winter and spring. This doesn't mean you need to remove all your winter decor, but by starting to embrace the seasons, you'll add a touch of freshness to your space.

You can achieve this by introducing a little spring color into your home. You can try purchasing new bath towels in a lighter color, such as Pantone's 2024 color of the year, Peach Fluff, or making other simple additions like wallpapering your headboard or bringing in indoor plants and flowers. regardless. an explosion of life and color!

Another pro tip: Transform your TV from a vacuum cleaner into a work of Samsung Frame TV required! Just search YouTube for "free art" and you're good to go.

From Mark Stocker, Mark Stocker Design Inc.:

Here's another option for your post-holiday blues: Let's start at the beginning! Imagine replacing the inside of your noisy front door with personality: a pop of color that screams “welcome” to you and your guests.

Add a stylish rug that will not only keep your winter boots cozy, but also create a fun and cool atmosphere. It's the easiest way to bring a little fun into your home after the holidays—why stop the party at the door? Let the colors in and good times will follow!

From Tracy Taylor, owner and head designer of Arise Interiors :

After the holidays, your home often becomes a little boring. Many of us work hard to maintain a wintery, festive look, and now is the time to try.

Luckily, it doesn't take long to feel the wings of spring in Southern California. There are transitional colors that can help a lot. It doesn't make sense to switch to mid-spring, but introducing softer, brighter colors can help. Leafy greens, peaches and oranges are great options to break up the holiday theme and feel refreshed. Think of it as bringing sunshine into your color scheme. This could be towels, a new set of throw pillows, or even accessories. Flowers always help.

Have you noticed that Pantone's color of the year is peach? This color is the perfect starting point for this task. As the colors of winter and the holidays approach, there is an opportunity to add bright but muted colors. Peach Fuzz is perfect for this.

At times like these, we also tend to think about storage. In our design process, efficiency is always a priority. In a much smaller home, every space needs to be used as efficiently as possible. This could include using the space under the stairs for optimal storage in cupboards or trolleys. Or use the mudroom/laundry room to combine multiple storage solutions.

For example, for a client we built a hallway that could double as a toilet and added a simple partition to divide the living room. A hallway/storage area will provide ample storage space and a neat place for mail, bags, shoes and other items we carry with us throughout the day. And when guests arrive, the owner can close it behind a beautifully designed wardrobe door.

From Caitlin Aberl, owner and interior designer of Realm Design:

The New Year usually means new beginnings, which we're all very excited about, but it can be really hard not to feel like your house is getting a little chilly when you're putting away all the cozy holiday decorations. We always recommend decorating with small accessories and livening up your space with new plants at the start of the new year. The combination of plants with sculptural objects, as well as some books and photographs, really creates a collection that doesn't feel flat. You want to make sure you have a mix of items so everything is balanced.

Rearranging shelves and adding plants can give you a fresh start without spending a lot of time or money. New, comfy pillows and blankets for your sofa can also add new visual interest. This is a great way to bring a pop of color into a room. I like to mix colors depending on what catches my eye when I see it - I'm really loving green right now. Pillows are also a great way to introduce patterns that are easy to change when you get tired. It's always a good idea to use different sizes: some are larger, around 22 inches, and some are around 18 inches. If desired, you can also add a lumbar pillow measuring approximately 12 x 20 inches.

From Kim Okiana Nadel, director of Gaia Inspired Design and partner of the Sacred Space Sisters online store:

As we welcome the new year, creating a personal space for meditation, yoga or self-care is essential to maintaining balance. Even in an ordinary corner you can grow a quiet refuge.

Start with a soft color palette, such as soft blues, soft greens, warm whites, or muted earth tones that evoke a sense of calm. Add soul-soothing textures like a soft rug or soft blanket. A large, comfy floor pillow or sturdy yoga mat is a must, as well as a few shelves for inspiring items like candles, crystals or a favorite plant.

By choosing items that resonate with the world and personal meaning, your corner will become a haven of rejuvenation and reflection.

From Megan Sisson, owner and interior designer of M Studio Interior Design:

New Year is all about revitalizing your surroundings and creating a new beginning. One way to achieve this at home is to declutter. One of my favorite ways to organize things is to use baskets instead of open shelves. Whether it's a bathroom, kitchen or utility room, baskets are a great way to add warmth and texture to a room while hiding some everyday items.

Golden is a freelance writer and blogger based in San Diego.

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