5 Genius Gardening Techniques We Learnt This Year — 'The Secret To The Lushest Backyard,' Say Top Gardeners

5 Genius Gardening Techniques We Learnt This Year — 'The Secret To The Lushest Backyard,' Say Top Gardeners

Whether you're planting a new garden, growing plants in the garden, creating a succulent bed, or simply trying to make your lawn more lush, it's worth taking note of these fantastic ideas from leading experts. Some of these practices date back centuries and have proven to be amazing for the health and visual appearance of the garden.

So before you start digging or buying new plants, check out these highly recommended gardening techniques and make your garden the center of your home.

1. Gardening with Lasagna

This technique is exactly what it sounds like: like delicious layered Italian pasta. This no-dig lasagna gardening technique involves layering organic materials on top of each other to create a rich, healthy layer of soil. This way you can improve vegetable and flower beds and improve the soil structure.

“A layer of organic material ultimately kills existing weeds and prevents weed growth, allowing you to spend less time weeding and more time enjoying your garden,” says Richa Kedia, horticulturist and founder of Simplifyplants & Nurserylady. “And finally, it is a cost-effective way to create a garden because it requires minimal equipment and can be made from readily available materials.”

2. Complementary gardening

Want to bring more color and variety to your garden? Consider additional gardening. This technique involves combining different plants and placing them next to each other to add depth and fresh color to your flower bed.

“The great thing about this idea is that it can be used in all types of gardens, from containers to flower beds to vegetable patches,” says Lina Cowley, gardener and plant expert at Trimmed Roots. This is also an excellent underground planting technique as an alternative to bare ground. This technique can improve soil health, control pests and increase garden yields. In flower beds can attract beneficial insects. Some great companion plants include marigolds (which help repel some pests and attract pollinators), natturium (which serves as a fall plant for aphids and other pests), and bush beans (which help deter and repel pests). dangerous). some diseases).

3. Biodynamic gardening

To improve the health of your garden, have you considered moon planting or rotational farming? It may sound crazy, but biodynamic gardening is all about using natural methods. From regenerative planting to considering lunar cycles, this holistic approach has many different aspects. According to Richa, gardening expert and founder of Nursery Lady, the most important thing is to create an independent ecosystem. "The use of natural ingredients from plants, minerals and organic fertilizers to increase soil fertility and plant growth," he explained. "Gardeners work to create a closed system where everything is recycled and nothing is wasted."

A simple way to implement this is to use a biodynamic spray, which functions as a type of fertilizer to increase nutrient absorption and increase disease resistance. Another way is related to the phases of the moon. According to experts, the period called the waxing moon is the ideal time to plant seeds for surface crops, while root crops should be planted when the full moon has passed and is waning. Compared to modern gardening methods that involve the use of chemicals, there is a great love for biodynamics and the sustainable lifestyle that comes with it.

4. Great culture

This centuries-old tradition of Hugelkultur, originating in Eastern Europe and Germany, involves creating no-dig raised beds by piling on layers of organic materials such as tree trunks, twigs, leaves, grass clippings and compost. The idea is that these raised beds will decompose over time and provide a long-term source of nutrients and moisture for the plants growing there. This method works almost everywhere. In dry climates with very little rainfall, this type of landscaping is suitable because of the “sponge” effect that occurs when wood rots. In colder areas, this type of gardening results in a longer growing season.

“It's better to grow vegetables in the soil than to grow root vegetables because you don't have to dig up the layers when harvesting,” says Chris Bonnett, founder of Gardening Express. “Tomatoes are a great vegetable to use this method because they are a hungry plant and the large area gives them lots of nutrients to help them thrive.”

5. Replanting

Are there bare patches on your lawn? This can result in the garden becoming untidy and also becoming a breeding ground for weeds. Enter overlay. “Reseeding involves planting new seeds in an existing lawn,” explains Chris. “It's a great way to get a thicker lawn without having to damage the existing grass or soil. » It's also the perfect choice for anyone who wants to maintain their lawn without harsh chemicals or fertilizers.

Some of the best grasses to plant include Kentucky bluegrass, tall fescue, perennial ryegrass, and annual ryegrass. “Improving the overall health of your lawn through reseeding can make it harder for weeds and moss to reappear,” says Reese. “This can create a dense layer of grass that makes it difficult for weeds and moss to grow.”

3 products to help you garden

Portable seed spreader

Price: $19

DIFFLIFE Garden Tools Collection

Dimensions: 13.19 x 7.09 x 2.87 inches
Price: $8

Books on Biodynamic Gardening

Type: Soft cover
Price: $12

How to remember things

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