There are many things to consider when choosing plants for your garden. Factors to consider are colour, size, compatibility with other species and whether they can contribute to the biodiversity of your green space.
On her Nettles & Petals Instagram account (@nettlesandpetals), gardening expert Jamie Walton praised the purple imperial nasturtium, which is hardy, has lots of garden benefits and looks great.
“This type of nasturtium appears to be indestructible,” Walton explains as he introduces the video.
“While my other varieties came and went, and in some cases returned, this variety, ‘Purple Emperor,’ persevered and did not succumb to black moose or [cabbage whitefly] or anything else. It worked.”
Walton describes the flowers as “fuzzy pink” and says he has plants in several places in his garden and they are all in bloom.
She added in a comment on the video: “I grow nasturtiums every year because they are so versatile.”
How Purple Imperial Nasturtiums Help
In a comment on the post, Walton praised the plant's ability to stimulate pollinators and deter common pests.
According to Bountiful Gardener, nasturtiums can deter cabbage moths, squash bugs and cucumber beetles by disorienting them before they land on the leaves and lay their eggs.
It can also be used as a trap plant. For example, aphids love nasturtiums, so planting them near valuable crops can prevent the insects from straying away from the vegetables you want to protect.
Meanwhile, Gardeners Path noted that they also attract beneficial insects like flies and wasps, which will take care of the more destructive pests in your garden.
Among other suggestions for protecting your plot of land from pests, pesticide-free solutions include leaving shrubs on plants for pesky aphids to feed on.
Kiselgur, an odorless powder made from ancient algae hulls, is an environmentally friendly and planet-friendly way to deal with ants, roundworms and tomato worms.
What everyone says
Greens lovers wanted to take advantage of this powerful plant variety.
“If you ever decide to sell seeds...let us know.” " - said one of the commentators. "This is something I would really like to buy."
Another added: "I've never seen that before." “I really liked them.”
Meanwhile, others have found the plants to be just as resilient in their own gardens, and at least one hopes to use the seeds for food and snacks.
“I have a purple emperor plant that does the same thing. First blooming and pale pink flowers,” one Instagram user said.
Another said: “We planted them in the new community garden from seed in March and April and they were still flowering in October.”
“I used my little seeds to pickle them,” said one clever commenter. "Six months and I'll have no idea."
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