Tech Lawn And Garden: Planting Bulbs For Spring

Tech Lawn And Garden: Planting Bulbs For Spring


Technical lawn and garden - in the spring

Georgia Tech's 400-acre main campus, with more than 13,000 trees, has a team of landscapers to maintain its beauty year-round. Tech Lawn and Garden uses the knowledge of landscape service professionals to show you how they do what they do and share tips you can use at home.

Alex Smith, Horticulturist for Landscape Services, Infrastructure and Sustainability.

In Atlanta, fall, usually mid-October to mid-November, is the best time to plant spring-blooming bulbs. This is before the first frost, when the soil is still warm.

Daffodil bulbs can be planted in several ways. You can plant them in rows or randomly, you can throw the bulbs in the wind and plant them where they fall. It depends on your personal preference. Using a trowel or spade, place the bulbs 4 to 6 inches deep.

In the Atlanta area, we have had the best results with daffodils, hyacinths and Hyacinth muscaris. Unfortunately, the tulips here are only good for one season, as they usually don't come back well the following year.

Georgia has a lot of red clay soil, which is not a bad thing for bulbs because they are hardy. Sun and shade conditions are more important than soil type. Daffodil bulbs grow well in full sun and partial shade. In addition, good drainage is important as it prevents the roots from becoming soggy and allows them to reach their full potential.

Different species flower at different times of the season. Some bloom early, others in the middle of the season. Check the package label to know what you are getting.

You can also talk to a garden center specialist and ask for help choosing the right bulbs for your specific needs. For more tips on planting bulbs, contact your county extension office or visit the horticulture website.

If you have a topic you'd like covered or have a question about campus or grounds landscaping , send an email

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Video by Stephen Galliano
Edited by Stacey Brackman
Author: Victor Rogers

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