How Fall Family Gardening Can Grow Happy & Calm Kids

How Fall Family Gardening Can Grow Happy & Calm Kids

Summer may be peak season for gardening in other countries, but fall is the perfect time in our area to get the kids outside (and away from screens) and start growing food and flowers for the whole family. Not only does fall provide the perfect weather window to start gardening in Boca Raton, but it is also a fun and exciting activity that offers many benefits. Gardening provides healthy enjoyment, improves physical and mental health, encourages healthy eating patterns in children, and can create a sense of community. Not to mention some surprising new discoveries about how soil helps improve mood...

“Spending time in nature, such as gardening, helps reduce stress and allows us to recover more quickly from stressful situations,” explains Sandy Schwartz , author of Finding Eco-Happiness: A Fun Outdoor Activity to Help Your Kids Feel Happier and Better. South Floridians : “It's really special when we can pick fruits and vegetables grown in our own gardens and enjoy them at the table,” he added. We have tried growing tomatoes and peppers ourselves and the kids love them. It was a great experience for them to choose food and play a role in preparing healthy meals for our family including food we grew ourselves.

Gardening as a family can really help raise happier, calmer kids! Here are five reasons why, according to Schwartz.

5 reasons why gardening helps children feel happy and calm

  1. Healthy distraction : Gardening helps children feel more alert and out of the moment, thereby distracting them from worries. A study found that after 30 minutes of gardening, participants' stress hormone levels decreased and they felt happier after the activity.
  2. Exercise . Gardening also involves light exercise such as digging, lifting, carrying, and bending up and down. Exercise helps children feel better because their bodies produce endorphins, brain chemicals that act as natural pain relievers. Exercise also lowers levels of stress hormones in the body, such as adrenaline and cortisol, which helps children (and their parents!) feel calmer.
  3. Eat healthier . Gardening can motivate children to eat healthy foods, thereby helping them feel better. When children participate in growing their own fruits and vegetables, they feel more connected and want to enjoy the “fruits of their labor.”
  4. Community formation . Whether it's forging family connections in the garden, sharing produce and gardening stories with friends and neighbors, or volunteering at a community garden, social interaction also plays an important role in improving children's well-being. Experts explain that the most important way to feel happy is through positive relationships, so gardening can be a way for children to connect with others through a healthy hobby.
  5. Land . Recent research shows that simply touching the ground can reduce stress and improve mood. This is because a soil bacterium called Mycobacterium vaccinia stimulates the area of ​​the brain that produces serotonin. Grow in soil rich in organic matter such as fruits and vegetables. Researchers have found that adding a little soil to vegetables helps people cope with stress and improves brain function.

If your garden is very small (or you don't have a garden), there are several ways to incorporate gardening into your family life. Start small: plant a few herbs on a windowsill or even one type of vegetable in a large pot. Get your kids involved by buying them gardening tools and letting them choose what to plant. Then use the results of your work to cook and enjoy food together. You can also volunteer at a local community garden, such as one managed by the Junior League of Boca Raton, to gain more gardening experience. Let your children grow up happy and peaceful this fall!

Pursuing Eco-Friendly Happiness: Fun Outdoor Activities to Help Your Kids Feel Happy and Calm is available at (affiliate link),,, and wherever books are sold. For more information, visit or contact Sandi Schwartz at .

Michelle Olson Rogers is a mother of one and the founder of Modern Boca Mom , an award-winning lifestyle website for modern, stylish parents in South Florida. He can also be found on Instagram at @modernbocamom .

No.75 Summer cooking: Cooking with what my garden has to offer | rural life

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