How Do You Know If You Are Really Gardening Organically?

How Do You Know If You Are Really Gardening Organically?

Gardeners have long abandoned chemical pesticides, fertilizers and various types of compost in an effort to switch to organic. But how environmentally friendly are these methods?

"The word 'organic' in horticultural products has a very vague definition," says Dr Anton Rosenfeld, director of research at the charity Garden Organic. "It could also mean a bag of something with organic matter. However, this usually refers to products produced using environmentally friendly methods.'

So what should gardeners look for and can they adopt environmentally friendly habits?

Is it organically certified?

Rosenfeld explains: "Being 'manufactured certified' follows a set of strictly defined standards. The most common standards are The Soil Association and Organic Farmers & Growers (OF&G), or you can find products certified by a biodynamic association Demeter.

“However, some horticultural products are made using completely organic methods, but are not certified organic because they think the cost and management is worth it, especially if the company is small or does not intend to sell in large quantities. ..", he added.

“A truly sustainable company should give you full details of how and where the product was made, including the origin of the ingredients/ingredients, so it's worth asking and deciding whether you're happy with their answer. »

mind your own business

One of the safest ways to go organic is to create your own compounds from natural materials.

"The most sustainable option is often to produce a lot of food locally (in your garden), as it reduces the carbon footprint of long supply chains and can close the loop using 'waste,'" says Rosenfeld. "This makes sense for people who can compost on-site from compost, leaf mold and feathers, or make plant-based liquid feeds from stinging nettle or stinging nettle."

Matthew Appleby, author of The Super Organic Gardener, suggests crop rotation to prevent pests and disease, and adding biodiversity for pest control to ensure your garden has a balanced insect life.

Look for organic seeds

"Organic seeds can often be hard to find, but it makes sense to save your seeds so you know they were grown sustainably and without pesticides," says Rosenfeld.

“Tomatoes, peas and beans are a good start, but many flowers, such as calendula or echinacea, can be easily saved from seed. Just remember that plants from hybrids (look for the F1 hybrid in the seed packet) will not be the same as the parents.'

Reusing garden items

“There are many other ways to reuse garden items to save money on shopping, including using scraps for planters, seed pots or paper planters. Use old bamboo sticks, pine cones, branches, etc. for wildlife habitat,” suggests Rosenfeld.

Make your own liquid food

Boxwood is an excellent plant for this, as the leaves contain large amounts of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. For fertilization, remove the leaves about 5 cm from the soil level. Wear gloves as the stems can cause skin irritation.

Add 1 kg of leaves to a bucket of water (about 15 liters). Press the leaves under water and cover the container. After four to six weeks, the fragrant but nutritious brown liquid is ready to drink and does not need to be diluted. The silt at the bottom of the container can be added to the compost pile.

Avoid herbicides

“Use a hoe instead of a weed killer,” advises Appleby in his book, “and use a no-drill method to avoid weed seeds.

Grow green manure.

They are fast-growing plants that are sown in bare soil and are often used in the garden to control weeds and prevent soil erosion by their roots. When they go into the soil while they're still green, they return valuable nutrients to the soil, says the RHS. Side grains include buckwheat and fenugreek, mustard, alfalfa, and red and white clover.

plant friend

According to the RHS, many organic methods, including companion planting, are good gardening practices. Plants with a strong scent can help repel some pests, so you can plant chives near the roots to repel root flies or spray your roses with garlic spray to repel aphids.

For more information and ideas, visit

Vlog, September 2nd, natural dyes and this #vlog #thrifty

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