Gardening Experts Reveal The 'Indestructible' Plants For Lazy Owners

Gardening Experts Reveal The 'Indestructible' Plants For Lazy Owners

Having plants at home is not only an aesthetic pleasure, but also contributes to our health and well-being in many ways. Plants release oxygen, which cleans the air. Plants also help reduce stress, sharpen attention and increase productivity.

In addition to other benefits of having plants in your home, seeing plants or flowers can help you recover faster from certain ailments.

But after several failed attempts at plant care, many of us give up and give up on the green oasis we have. Fortunately, with plants it doesn't have to be so difficult, it all depends on the plants you choose and the care they need to thrive, and it turns out that there are some plants that require almost no care.

Below is a list of plants that, according to gardeners, are invincible and that even the laziest owner can care for with minimal effort.

List of hardy plants and how to care for them

Ward Dilmore, founder and principal landscape architect of Petrus Landscaping, told Newsweek that in addition to being practical, it is a good option for those who want to enjoy a beautiful garden without spending a lot of time on maintenance. Here are some suggestions.

stone production

Sedum is a succulent that comes in many shapes and sizes. According to Dilmore, they are drought tolerant, require little care, and can thrive in full sun or partial shade.

"They create a unique landscape with many sedums that flower in late summer/autumn, when other plants are no longer flowering," he adds.


Rosemary is an aromatic, drought-resistant herb that can be used for both culinary and ornamental purposes. Prefers well-drained soil and full sun.


Another easy-care plant she recommends is lavender, which she describes as a hardy, fragrant perennial that thrives in sunny locations with well-drained soil.

“Once established, this plant is drought tolerant and requires little maintenance. "I often see this plant grow well in infertile soil, which allows you to experiment with different problem areas when planting," he said.


The agave is a succulent known for its distinctive rosette shape. They are very resistant to drought and require little care.

This plant contains vitamin B6, which WebMD medical experts say helps keep homocysteine ​​levels low and protects you from heart disease and stroke. It also contains vitamin K, which reduces the risk of depression.

day lilies

Daisies are reliable perennials with a variety of flower colors and shapes. They are hardy, adaptable and thrive in a wide range of soil types and lighting conditions.

Dilmore said: "I saw many daylilies along the road still growing."


Juniper bushes are hardy and come in a variety of sizes and shapes. They are drought resistant and require little care. They are excellent plants for slopes and prevent erosion. Some varieties are also salt tolerant if you live in an area that uses road salt.

There are also trees that are easy to care for.

Anastasia Borisevich, a plant expert at the Plantum app, told Newsweek that you can even get a simple tree for your garden.


If you are looking for a tree that is easy to care for, looks great and is easy to maintain in the garden, look no further than the Malus Domestica, also called the apple tree. According to Borisevich, in spring it will delight your eyes with fragrant flowers, shade you in summer, and reward you with delicious fruits in autumn.

He said: “Speaking of fruit, it is true that homegrown apples outperform any store-bought apple in perfect appearance. If you decide to plant an apple tree for your garden, there are more than many varieties to choose from.

"To enjoy apples from late summer to winter, plant different varieties, early- and late-fruiting trees."

mountain ashes

The last is the Sorbus aucuparia, also called mountain ash, a deciduous tree of the Rosaceae family. This tree produces yellow flowers that later turn into edible dark red berries and are an important food source for many species of birds.

"In English folklore, needles are believed to ward off evil spirits. Try this selection of perennials and enjoy years of enjoyment in your favorite garden! - Borisevich added.

Use native plants

According to Dilmore, the plants that are most resistant to overcrowding in your home are native plants, and that's because they have had thousands of years to grow and adapt to local growing conditions.

He says, “When choosing plants for your garden, consider the local climate, soil type, and growing conditions specific to your garden. Although these plants are generally easy to care for and hardy, it is important to properly care for them as they grow. Period that may be needed: Water regularly until well established.

"Plus, even low-maintenance plants benefit from occasional pruning and fertilizing to keep them looking their best."

The Mystery of the Century (1925) by Robert Collier

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