Sarah Moran, Texas A&M AgriLife Extension horticulture agent for Midland and Ector County
Composting is a natural process that allows microbes to turn yard and kitchen waste into useful organic matter or mulch. Gardeners have a variety of materials that can be used for composting, such as leaves, twigs, grass clippings, rotting fruits, vegetables, eggshells and more. Here are some tips to help you apply fertilizer effectively in the Southwest:
1. Choose the right place. Choose a shady location for your trash can or pile. Shade helps prevent excessive drying and keeps the composting material at a more even temperature.
2. Add more vegetables. Compost piles tend to dry out quickly in hot weather. To counteract this, add more nitrogen-rich “green” materials such as fruit and vegetable scraps, coffee grounds and grass clippings. Leafy greens contain important nutrients that speed up the composting process.
3. Balance the browns. When adding more greens, be sure to balance them with carbon-rich “brown” ingredients such as dried leaves, straw or shredded newspaper. The carbon to nitrogen ratio is important for proper composting, and a good mix of greens and browns helps maintain the right balance.
4. Slicing or slicing materials. cutting or shredding compostable materials into smaller pieces increases their surface area, helping them decompose faster. This is especially important in hot weather, when the heat can slow down bacterial activity.
5. Turn the stack over. Aerating the compost pile helps keep air circulating and keeps the compost pile from becoming too dense. This promotes decomposition and reduces the risk of the compost overheating. How often you turn your compost pile depends on the composting method you use. We'll cover composting methods in the next article...stay tuned!
6. Keep the pile moist. Water is essential for composting, especially in hot weather when materials can dry out quickly. Check the moisture level of the compost pile regularly and add water if necessary to keep it moist but not wet.
7. Use a container with good ventilation. If you use a litter box, make sure it has enough ventilation to ensure good air circulation. Good ventilation prevents overheating and promotes the growth of beneficial microorganisms. However, too much aeration can lead to loss of moisture and rapid drying of the compost. Sometimes you may need to cover your compost bin to minimize moisture loss.
8. Cover the fertilizer. Consider using a cover or tarp to shade your compost pile and protect it from direct sunlight. The added protection helps keep temperatures more stable and prevents excessive evaporation.
9. Be patient. composting may slow down in very hot weather, but it will still happen. Be patient and follow composting guidelines to create nutrient-rich compost for your garden. Trust me, patience will pay off.
10. Let dry. Yes, microbial decomposition continues after composting is complete. If the fertilizer is then allowed to harden, a more chemically stable product is formed. The finished compost is not heated. Compost used as mulch or topsoil may require a shorter drying time.
As you can see, even in harsh conditions, you can successfully fertilize year-round and produce valuable compost that enriches your garden soil.
If you have questions or need more information, contact the Texas A&M County Extension office in the Midland (432-686-4700) and Ector (432-498-4071) areas. You can also send an email to [email protected] . Happy gardening!