If you're a regular baker or like hard-boiled eggs, you probably throw away a lot of egg shells. But one TikTok user shared an amazing tip about using cracked egg shells to improve his garden.
the spoon
In her now-viral TikTok, Pam Parish (@pamparish) shows us how to help your garden and reduce food waste.
Parrish explains that egg shells can actually be very beneficial for tomato plants and other foods in your garden. Because they are rich in nutrients such as calcium, egg shells can be used as a homemade chemical fertilizer.
This hack is very simple. Initially, Parrish threw the box into a 180-degree oven for several hours to dry. Then he roasted it into powder with a blender.
And here's DIY compost. As Parrish says: “We use this [powder] in the gardening season, especially around tomatoes, it tastes really good. »
How to help?
Besides the obvious benefits for your garden, these eggshells are also great for reducing food waste.
Amazingly, this waste takes up no more space than the food thrown into America's landfills, where it eventually rots and produces methane that can cause global warming. And this gas is powerful, warming the earth at least 28 times faster than carbon dioxide, pound.
So, instead of throwing away perfectly good food for your garden, you can quickly and easily compost your own eggshells.
What is everyone saying?
The comments section of Parrish's post was filled with positive comments. In a comment that received nearly 1,000 likes, one user said: »
Another explained how he used this technique to save his plants. »
Several other people explained that they used a similar technique, namely using sunlight instead of an oven to dry the fruit. Whatever method you use to dry used eggshells, this DIY compost will be good for your garden and the planet.
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