Tropical Gardening: ‘Weed Is Just Another Nasty Fourletter Word

Tropical Gardening: ‘Weed Is Just Another Nasty Fourletter Word

Weeds can be defined as any plants that grow in unsuitable places. Perhaps a better definition would be "weeds are plants that we consider worthless".

Just as there are no bad boys, only bad manners, and no bad plants. We just haven't figured out how to use it. Perhaps the most appropriate word to describe what we call weeds are “pioneer species” that seek to heal wounds caused by human activity or natural phenomena such as pyroclastic flows and tornadoes.

Today, many plants are accidentally or intentionally introduced to the islands. Some found the perfect place and settled, or what we call pioneers. A hundred years ago, there were few restrictions on what plants could be included. The main problems we face are those affecting our two main agricultural products: pineapple and sugarcane.

Currently, the Ministry of Agriculture imposes severe restrictions and penalties on new species of plants and animals brought to the country without proper permits and inspections. However, we have had many foreign factories here for a long time. Then it becomes an administrative problem. When non-native plant species start to grow in our forests, we blame the plants, but we forget that wild boar activity is an ideal breeding ground for non-native plant species.

Banyan trees in the garden are great, but if one grows on the roof, it is the leading species. What we call weeds are usually caused by improper management. A lawn damaged by insects, fungi or nematodes easily infects plants we don't like. Mowing, watering and using the wrong fertilizer will cause weeds. So don't blame what we call weeds. Often this is a sign of poor maintenance. In addition, dandelion green leaves are a great addition to salads or cooked as a vegetable.

When it comes to turf, buying high-quality, weed-free seedlings or planting the right seeds is critical. Soil infested with perennial weeds such as winako grass is also key to weed control in new lawns. After that, good management practices that create strong, dense turf will help keep weeds at bay. Once weeds are established in the garden, they can be difficult to control. Finally, if you decide to use an herbicide, here are some things to keep in mind.

Product availability changes very quickly due to pesticide issues, making it difficult to make general recommendations. If you have a specific problem, contact your local garden store or call the Gardeners Helpline.

As with the "Three Rs" study, we found a very significant "R" associated with herbicide use. This "R" is applied in the right composition, at the right time, in the right amount and in the right way. Understanding all the directions on the herbicide label is just as important as using the right amount without harming your intended crop to make sure it can control your particular problem. The margin of safety may be less than you think. It is important to select equipment that can provide adequate coverage to properly apply insecticides. A spray can attached to a garden hose is ideal when you need to spray nutrients, fungicides or insecticides on your lawn. However, it is best to use a small 2-3 liter sprayer for herbicides. A tank sprayer is needed as the hose connector is not thin enough.

Smile if you hand weed. Let's be positive about 'weeds'. Did you know that many of these bad friends can be eaten or used as medicine?

The plants we often think of as weeds are the ones that appear wherever we disturb the soil. They grow quickly and often compete with more desirable species. They produce large numbers of seeds and are often difficult to control. Weeds are described as unwanted plants, overgrown plants or nuisance plants. Both characteristics and definitions of weeds confirm that these plants are closely related to people. They come and go like people who disturb the earth. As humans roamed and conquered the Earth, these species benefited from their activities.

Because their origins are so close to human activity, many of the plants we call herbs are used as edibles or medicinals and can be used as beneficial herbal plants around the world.

So when you're out there weeding what we call, it's easier to see that these plants can be used for dinner or to heal wounds or ease an upset stomach. For example, one of the most popular herbs is Spanish needle ( Piden pilosa ). The tender sprouts can be boiled and used as a vegetable side dish or cooked into salads or stews. The leaves can also be dried and then cooked. Many plants are edible, especially those with fast-growing shoots or large types of shoots. Bamboo is an example.

Common fenugreek has soft leaves and shoots that can be eaten raw . Often as a garnish in salads or cooked spinach.

The wetlands are the source of the famous Catalan variety of dishes. The starchy tubers are edible as small flowers. Young leaves are also eaten.

There are over a hundred edible plants called weeds. If you are interested in these and other useful plants, check out your local library or Franklin Martin and Ruth M. Robert.

Remember that when we call a plant a weed, we automatically classify it as a useless plant. Better to call them by a more appropriate term like "leading species"! In this way we can reflect that everything and perhaps everyone has value.


Norman Pizuna is Professor Emeritus of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources at the University of Hawaii.

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