Can You Water Plants With Distilled Water? The Gardening Experts Weigh In

Can You Water Plants With Distilled Water? The Gardening Experts Weigh In

Q: I recently heard that using distilled water on plants can be beneficial for them. It's true? I usually use harvested rainwater and was wondering if it was worth making the switch.

Answer: Watering plants, as you know, is an essential part of plant care. But the type of water you use can make a difference.

Collected rainwater is ideal for plants because it does not contain chemicals such as chlorine that are commonly found in tap water. Plus, of course, it's a great way to practice sustainable gardening, and it's free.

However, distilled water is cleaner than rainwater. It boils and then the vapor condenses into liquid form. This process removes pollutants (rainwater often contains traces of air pollution), minerals and salts. According to Healthline, it is often used in medical facilities and laboratories.

Therefore, distilled water can be the best option for watering your plants. But this is not the case, for several reasons. If you buy it in a bottle, it is expensive and impossible to keep. And its level of purity is not necessary for healthy plant growth; In fact, it can be a disadvantage. However, in some cases it can be improved.

Use distilled water on your plants

Most plants will do well with tap water, but some may be affected. These are usually types of potted plants. Orchids, African violets, Boston ferns and some bromeliads, explains gardening expert Diana Cox. Using rainwater is a better alternative than the tap. But if it is not available, you can consider using distilled water in this plant.

"I have personally seen the positive effects of watering my orchids with distilled water," says Diana. "Since switching to tap water, my orchids have produced larger clusters of flowers and lasted longer."

However, it's worth noting that because distilled water is so pure, it doesn't provide plants with the beneficial minerals typically found in regular rainwater or tap water, notes Tony O'Neill of Simplified Gardening. This means that in most cases you will need to use a balanced fertilizer to compensate for nutrient deficiencies in your plants. Miracle-Grow water-soluble Amazon plant foods are a popular example.

Where can you get distilled water?

There are several ways to obtain distilled water.

"If you decide to make your own distilled water at home, the process involves boiling tap water and collecting the mineral-free steam condensate," says Diana. You can buy a distiller, but it can add to your electricity bill and the whole process takes a lot of time, says Mr. Vladan Nikolic of the house plant.

You can get distilled water from dehumidifiers and dryers, reports the Royal Horticultural Society. Some air conditioners produce it. But make sure the water is clean, says Vladan. "Equipment gets dirty over time, and if the water sits for a while, anaerobic bacteria can multiply."

"Alternatively, you can buy distilled water from your local grocery store in gallon jugs," says Diana.

Simply put, when it comes to watering plants, rainwater is the best option. So if you have stock, keep using it. If this runs out, distilled water can be used as a temporary substitute on more sensitive plants. Otherwise it's not worth it.

Perhaps most importantly, no matter what type of water you choose to use, be sure to avoid common water mistakes. Otherwise, you risk doing your plants more harm than good.

What kind of water is good for plant growth?

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