150 unionized Starbucks workers in the US went on strike to express their anger at the company's policy of Pride jewelery in their stores. As CNN reports, workers are using their strike to challenge Starbucks' systematic "hypocritical treatment of LGBTQIA+ employees."
While Starbucks denies all allegations of questionable behavior, employees are showing solidarity on social media, supporting fellow union members impacted by the restrictions.
According to company guidelines, store group managers can decorate their stores however they like, as long as they don't violate certain safety guidelines, even if they are celebrating pride.
With some Starbucks locations allegedly limiting the store manager's freedom of judgement, the official Starbucks Workers United (SWU) Twitter account announced, "Over 150 stores and 3,500 workers will be on strike next week."
SHOT OF HONOR. Seattle Roastery led a nationwide Starbucks strike over Starbucks' hypocritical treatment of LGBTQIA+ workers. Next week, more than 150 shops and 3,500 employees will go on strike.
— Starbucks Workers United (@SBWorkersUnited) June 23, 2023
They use the same platform to challenge the company's claims that all of the accusations are false. The cafe released a statement saying: “We continue to support the LGBTQIA2+ community. No policy has changed regarding this, and we continue to encourage our store managers to celebrate with their communities, including during USA Pride Month in June. We are deeply concerned about the spread of false information."
SWU responded with a series of tweets that began with, " Starbucks confirms that the Pride project was not banned, but according to internal documents and store manager testimony, their responses have been inconsistent."
In an internal memo to Starbucks store managers about the Pride décor, the company said no changes had been made to the guidelines and dozens of reviews and videos on social media were "misinformation".
But perhaps the most interesting statement is just a few lines below🧵2/4 pic.twitter.com/LGBpyCzGrb
— Starbucks Workers United (@SBWorkersUnited) June 21, 2023
The SWU notes that nearly 100 different stores in Oklahoma, Missouri, and Arkansas have banned Pride decorations.
Starbucks gave local leaders the autonomy to "find ways to celebrate". These leaders are the same people who put out many of the Pride bans.
More Perfect Union reports that authorities have banned the jewelery from more than 100 stores in three states. 🧵3/4https://t.co/CyIlmoNXWb
— Starbucks Workers United (@SBWorkersUnited) June 21, 2023
Instead of simply apologizing and fixing the problem, Starbucks doubled down on the message and gassed workers, managers, and the public alike.
This is why we need union contracts, so we have clear WRITTEN policies that protect our rights and voice in the workplace. 🧵 4/4
— Starbucks Workers United (@SBWorkersUnited) June 21, 2023
The workers who are going on strike next week are doing so not only to draw attention to the ban on Pride decorations, but to expose it as a reflection of Starbucks attitudes and thoughts towards people who self-identify as LGBTQIA+.
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