Requests Outpace Available Funding For Youth Gardening Programs

Requests Outpace Available Funding For Youth Gardening Programs

KidsGardening announces the results of a national survey that says funding for gardens for young people has increased but more is needed.

Burlington, Virginia . April 25, 2023 /PRNewswire-PRWeb/ -- Gardens for young people are opening across the country as part of a national effort to support children and heal broken bones caused by the pandemic and other challenges of recent years. Educators and youth leaders recognize the many benefits of gardening for young people of all ages, bringing them joy and abundance, as well as documented advances in learning, nutrition, social connections and overall well-being.

The demand for resources and resources for gardening with children has increased dramatically during the pandemic, and it is not decreasing. "Our gardening grant applications have increased by 55% since the pandemic," said Em Shipman, executive director of, a national nonprofit and leader of the youth gardening movement.

In terms of dollars, the youth garden grants are modest. A recent national survey* found that the average youth gardening grant is just $4,425 . However, this level of funding has significant implications. On average, one kindergarten touches the lives of hundreds of children. And for many nurseries, the benefits go well beyond themselves, as children grow food to donate to those in need in their community. 73% of donors surveyed said their grants support edible gardens for young people.

The March 2023 survey found that Youth Gardens received over $14 million in nearly 3,000 grants in 2022. It may seem like a lot, but with more than 70 million children in the United States, demand far outstrips funding. In fact, KidsGardening has found that finding funding is often the biggest challenge for youth gardening programs.

"We cannot simply rely on federal and state programs to fund these important youth programs," said Lisa Carter Jones , President and CEO of the Captain Planet Foundation. "The work of many nonprofit organizations depends heavily on the generosity of corporations, foundations, and individual donors who understand the value of gardening for children, communities, and the planet."

*National Youth Garden Funding Survey conducted by KidsGardening, Big Green, Captain Planet Foundation, DC Office of State Education Officer, Green Our Planet, Sprouts Healthy Communities Foundation and Whole Kids Foundation with: Although 31 organizations completed this study, we know that this data does not include all youth garden grants in the United States . We hope to collect more data in future surveys.

Find the survey results and learn more about the participating organizations here.

To learn more about the benefits of gardens for young people, including links to research on kindergarten learning, please click here.

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Katie Dubo , Garden Media Group, 610-444-3040,


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