Gardening: No Plot? Just Sow Inside The Box

Gardening: No Plot? Just Sow Inside The Box

If the thought of foraging for fresh food excites you, how about going one step further and making a salad with ingredients you've grown yourself?

"Growing your own fruit and vegetables is becoming more and more popular, and more people are realizing the many benefits of growing their own food," said Daniel Carruthers of Cultivar Greenhouses.

what to plant

"If I had to name one crop that I could always grow, eat and sell, it would be lettuce," says Jane Scotter, a biodynamic farmer from Herefordshire ( who grows seasonal vegetables, fruit and herbs. The best restaurant in London.

"These are high-value plants that are highly sought after by restaurant customers and individuals," says Scotter, who has just launched his first online gardening course at Create Academy.

Varieties of lettuce

There are many varieties of lettuce that you can grow. "For spring, I like spicy mustards, like mizuna, mibuna, purplish red and golden wheel," says Scotter. These are all members of the Brassica family and are quick to germinate and grow.


"Tomatoes are a favorite in most salads, and with shortages in many supermarkets now is a good time to start growing them," suggests Carruthers. "Cucumbers are the perfect summer fruit, they add a crunch to salads. There are almost 100 different varieties, so choosing which to plant can be a minefield."

How to plant leaf seed

Sow the seeds directly into clean, weed-free soil, says Scotter.

"They don't eat when they're hungry, so high fertility isn't a big problem. If you don't have a garden, fill a container or wooden box (with holes in the bottom for drainage) with organic compost. Fill the box 20 cm deep with fine soil. Beat firmly and evenly.

"Then make a small trench, about 2cm deep and 4cm wide, with your finger or a blunt-pointed tool, about as thick as a marker," he adds. "Try to keep the distance between the seeds 1-2 cm. Don't worry about being too precise, but try not to overdo it or the plants will become smaller and less healthy.

Carefully cover it with soil and tap it firmly. He says to water with a watering can first, otherwise the seeds will not be evenly moistened and may float if too much water is added.

"If started in early to mid-March, you should see germination in 10 days. Plant at least four rows. Keep the soil moist but not soggy and outside in a sunny spot. Your lettuce should be ready for its first harvest in three weeks," said Scotter. .

"The variety I'm referring to is a cut crop, which means you can cut at least four times from the same plant before the leaves start to get tough and lose flavor."


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