HARTFORD - The 41st Connecticut Flower and Garden Show opens Feb. 23 and runs through Feb. 26 at the Connecticut Convention Center, 100 Columbus Blvd.
New England's only flower show in 2023 spans nearly two acres and offers ideas for homes, condos and apartment dwellers. "Gateway to Spring" is the theme of this year's show, with more than a dozen residential gardens in full bloom, a nonstop schedule of workshops and demonstrations, the Connecticut Federated Garden Club's annual Standard Flower Show and hundreds of vendors. Sell all kinds of products.
More than 25 experts in the field of horticulture and horticulture will present a total of more than 80 hours of different topics over four days. Attendance at these programs is included in general admission, and questions from the speakers are welcome. Below is a list of speakers and topics, also posted on www.CTFlowerShow.com:
Lauren Ballato: Easy Air Plants; and colored letters; Ruth Bennett: A New Iris Introduction and Some Passages; Pam Cooper: Good bug, bad bug or benign bug? ; Rich Coles: Climate change and its effect on roosting; Christine Darnell: Radical Rethinking Garden Design; Nancy Dubrul-Clement: Native and non-native plants for sustainable landscapes; Pollinate garden attractions; Kim Eyerman: Pollinate Victory Gardens with native plants; reveals the secrets of home plant breeding; Dr. Nick Goltz: House Plant Disease Diagnosis; Len Giddix: Reflections in your garden; Larry Hussey: Spring Flower Patterns from PAZAZZ! ; Trish Manfredi: Simple Creative Floral Design; Lori Massiandara: Connecticut Historical Park; Wayne McLaughlin: Introduction to Rhododendrons and Azaleas; Carrie Ann Mendez: Gardening Made Easy; and Hortensia demystified; Jana Millbacker: Gardens of the Golden Age; and artist gardens in New England; Amanda Morris: Gardening with Chickens; Charlie Nardozzi: Gardening Without Digging; Ellen Ecker Ogden: 6 steps to a successful garden design; Don Pettinelli: Successful Start; Peter Picone: Ways to Create and Improve Wildlife Habitat Around You, One Native Plant at a Time; Paul Split: Organic gardens in containers; Diane St. John: Every Garden Matters - How to Create a Healthy Monarch Butterfly Habitat at Home; Rob Townsend: Water Garden Basics; George Trecino: A Tree for Every Yard; and cover uncontrolled seedlings and invasive plants; Dennis Sui: Indoor plants in low light; and Steve Wolowski: Organics 101 - The Organic Approach to Lawn Care.
The popular Barnes & Noble Center is selling books about flowers, plants and gardening this year, including books written by workshop speakers.
Date/Time: Thursday 23 February, 10am to 7pm; February 24, Friday, 10:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.; Saturday 25 February from 10:00 to 20:00; and Sunday, February 26 from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Discounted admission tickets are on sale now: $17 for adults and seniors at www.CTFlowerShow.com.
Discount tickets for adults and seniors, $17, are on sale at www.CTFlowerShow.com and can be purchased online through the last day of the show. Tickets at the door are $20 for adults and seniors, $5 for children ages 5-12 and free for children 5 and under.
Show sponsors are: Connecticut Organics (a division of Connecticut Mulch Distributors, Inc.); Maple Meadow Farm; Update by Anderson; WFSB-Channel 3; WRCH Lite 100.5; Connecticut Federal Garden Club, Inc.; Connecticut Convention Center; and North East Expos, Inc.
For general information or to become an exhibitor, visit www.CTFlowerShow.com or Facebook or call