10 Practical Gardening Tips And Tricks To Help Your Garden Thrive

10 Practical Gardening Tips And Tricks To Help Your Garden Thrive
Gardening for beginners doesn't have to be difficult! If you want to start your first garden but don't know where to start, ten… © Simple, Live, Powered by Love Gardening for beginners doesn't have to be complicated! If you want to start your first garden but don't know where to start, ten…

Gardening for beginners doesn't have to be difficult! If you're about to start your first garden but don't know where to start, these ten helpful gardening tips and tricks for novice gardeners will come in handy.

Practical gardening tips and tricks to help improve your garden

Growing a garden can be very rewarding, but there are a few things to consider before you get started.

1. Start small and manageable

Gardens are a lot of work, and the work grows exponentially with size. You have to be able to plant, water, weed, harvest and cook, so it makes sense to learn a little at a time. Even a small garden can grow a lot of food. You'd be surprised how much food you can grow in a 4 x 8 or even 4 x 4 bed! Keep it up for the first year so you don't have to be afraid to try again.

2. Grow fruits and vegetables that your family likes.

It's easy to pick up a good seed catalog and order a variety of seeds, but it's easy in the first year. If you don't like zucchini, there is absolutely no reason to grow them. You can skip the zucchini if ​​you want!

3. Plant these seeds right in the garden

Some plants do well when you plant them as seeds. And some need to be planted as seeds. Knowing the difference will make a big difference in your success and can save you a lot of money. Seeds are much cheaper than seedlings. The following ten common garden vegetables can be grown directly from seed and will do just fine.

Follow the instructions on the back of the seed packet and plant at the right time of year, using the correct spacing and depth. Don't forget to water your garden after planting the seeds because seeds need water to germinate.

  1. carrot
  2. Corn
  3. cucumber
  4. peas
  5. peas
  6. salad
  7. Turnip
  8. Spinach
  9. watermelon
  10. pumpkin zucchini

4. Plant on seeds

These six plants are best when you grow them from seed. They have a long growing season and need to be well established to produce fruit. Be sure to plant them at the optimal distance and depth requirements. You'll want to water your plants well after you plant them so that the roots of the plant have everything they need to take root. Most plants need an inch of water per week to thrive, so keep an eye on rainfall and water your garden as needed.

  1. a tomato
  2. pepper
  3. Broccoli
  4. cauliflower
  5. Cabbage
  6. Brussels sprouts

5. Buy your starter vegetables from a nursery rather than trying to plant them yourself.

Planting seeds can be a lot of fun and very rewarding, but if you're new to gardening, it may be easier and more convenient to buy seeds from the store. May be cheaper in the long run.

6. Know your frost-free date and garden area .

It's important to plant your garden at the right time, so visit this first and last frost calculator , enter your zip code and find out when it's safe to plant your garden. Frost kills plants, so make sure you know this very important detail! You'll also want to know what zone your garden is in because some plants do better in certain zones. Come here to get to know your garden .

7. Choose a good place for the garden.

Most plants need full sun (at least six hours of sun per day), so keep that in mind when choosing where to plant your garden. You want to avoid trees and also consider tall hedges or other plants that can shade your garden.

8. Keep a garden journal.

If you want to continue gardening, it's important to learn from your mistakes. Keep track of what you planted, when you planted it, how it grew and how well it did. This will help you plan your future garden. This is the coolest garden journal I have!

9. Don't forget about mulch

Covering your garden will help retain moisture and prevent weeds from entering. All of your plants benefit from mulch, so be sure to include it in your garden. Straw, grass clippings, and wood chips make good mulch, and sometimes you can even find free mulch !

10. Spend time in your garden every day.

Did you know I wrote my first book? You will like my new books: agriculture textbooks, several cookbooks. If you want to take the next step towards self-sufficiency, learn how to raise your own chickens for meat! Or, if raising chickens isn't your thing, you can also learn how to use whole chickens in the kitchen to save money and help your family be greener!

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Happy gardening, friends! Check back every Tuesday for more gardening tips, tricks and tutorials. If you enjoyed this post on gardening tips and tricks to improve your garden, you might want to subscribe to my weekly newsletter too!

The post 10 Practical Gardening Tips and Tricks to Help Your Garden Thrive is an essay by Michelle Marin, Simplify, Live, Love.

Perfect coverage. Tips and recommendations | Garden Great idea for home

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