Heres How Gardening Can Improve Your Health

Heres How Gardening Can Improve Your Health


Those interested in gardening look forward to a season of seed bags and planting, careful tending, and bountiful harvests. But research points to another reason to wait to garden: improving your health.

A study in The Lancet Planetary Health found that people participating in community gardening programs consumed more fiber and were more physically active than their non-gardening counterparts. Both factors are associated with improved health.

Although gardening studies abound, the researchers wrote that they could find only three other studies that examined the effects of gardening on disease risk factors by randomly assigning participants to gardening and non-gardening groups and then comparing their health.

In this case, researchers conducted a study of 37 community gardens in Denver and Aurora, Colorado. After spreading the word about the program in different areas, they recruit people on the waiting list. 291 participants were adults and had not gardened in the past two years. More than half are from low-income families.

The group assigned to the garden was provided with a vegetable garden, seeds, seedlings and an introductory gardening course. Those assigned to the non-gardening group were offered the same treatment during the following gardening season. All participants completed a health screening that took into account factors such as body weight, waist circumference, physical activity and diet.

In the study, researchers found that those who gardened ate more fruits and vegetables than their counterparts, increasing their intake by about 1.13 servings per day. They consumed 1.4 grams more fiber per day than the control group and increased their fiber intake by 7 percent during the program. They were slightly more active, increasing their physical activity moderately to strongly during the study period. Gardeners reported less stress and anxiety than their non-gardening counterparts.

Although the gains were small, researchers say these are small changes recommended by experts as ways to prevent chronic disease risk. Smoking, poor diet and a sedentary lifestyle contribute to this risk.

"These findings strongly suggest that community gardening may play an important role in preventing cancer, chronic disease and mental disorders," said Jill Litt, professor of environmental health at the University of Colorado at Boulder and author of the paper. Press release in statement.

Community gardening deserves further study as a potential health intervention in urban areas, said the researchers, who received funding from the American Cancer Society.

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