Inspects And The Garden Plants They Like To Feast On

Inspects And The Garden Plants They Like To Feast On

For this week's column, I'd like to write something that will help you identify some common garden insect pests. Knowing what pest you are dealing with will help you control the problem. I will cover some very popular pests and vegetables that I often get questions about.

Let's start with the artichokes. Aphids are common pests that feed on the leaves.

Basil can have problems with various worms and caterpillars and small insects.

Broccoli has always been a popular vegetable for human pests and insects. Keep an eye out for aphids, mealybugs, mealybugs, fleas, and thrips.

Cabbage is often eaten by small green caterpillars that eat the leaves and hide under the rotting leaves.

Celery plants can occasionally be attacked by mealybugs and small caterpillars, but the most common pests are usually parsley worms, which can eat celery leaves.

The same pests found on cabbage plants can kill them, although cabbages are more resistant to pests than other cabbages.

Cucumber plants can be damaged by cucumber beetles that feed on your plants and transmit bacterial wilt. Caterpillars often kill cucumber seedlings.

Most insects don't care if the pepper plants are hot or sweet. Scoops will destroy young plants. Aphids and whiteflies can be a problem and spread viral diseases. Tomato worms and other worms can be a problem.

Know your good mistakes so you don't make mistakes and delete them instead of the bad ones.

Until next time, let's try to grow with nature, not against it, and maybe all our weeds will turn into wildflowers.

Laurie Garretson is a gardener and nurseryman in Victoria. Send gardening inquiries to or The Attorney, PO Box 1518, Victoria, TX 77902.

Bringing plants into winter // Response from the garden

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