Gardyn Review: Easy Gardening For A High Price

Gardyn Review: Easy Gardening For A High Price

Garden Review: Easy Gardening at a Good Price

MSRP $849.00

"Gardin takes everything I love about a smart garden and expands it to include many more plants, but managing the app is a bit more difficult."


  • Grow 30 plants at once
  • Fully automatic irrigation and lighting.
  • Minimal daily maintenance
  • Many vegetable options


  • Dear
  • Most additional features require a fee.

Do you like to cook? Even if you don't consider yourself a chef (and yes, I know that term is reserved for professionals, stick with it), there's something special about being able to add spices to a spice jar: the perfect combination of spices to prepare. To turn an ordinary dinner into an extraordinary one. Who says you can't eat well on a Thursday night?

Fresh ingredients are the key to a great dinner. Like I said, I'm a fan of Smart Gardens. If you live in a small space or don't think you can keep plants alive, smart gardens take the guesswork out. When Gardyn approached me and offered to try Gardyn 2.0, I jumped at the chance. It's a huge thing: it holds 30 plants and does all the work for me. I just have to sit back and reap the rewards.

Well, mostly.

install hanger

It took me over an hour to put Gardin together. There are a lot of different pieces that need to fit together, and some of them don't fit the way they should . I had to be careful when attaching the LED lights as they felt flimsy and needed support. I suggest at least two people put this together; Trying to do it yourself was a bit tricky.

Planting plants also takes some time. Gardin comes with 30 different pads, which is ridiculous. Although there are no specific classification criteria, I like to group plants by type. Also keep in mind the final size and how much sun the plant will need when it's done growing.

I've found that the top row of Gardin grows slower than the others, mainly because they don't get the same number of LEDs. If you're growing something that doesn't need a lot of light, put it on top.

The app needs an update.

I've never hated an app so much. While Gardin is a wonderful tool on its own, the app is held together with duct tape and prayer, which is not enough. It mostly works, but there are some small issues that can be annoying.

Take lighting design for example. By default, there are three different periods when the light turns on and off. I'd rather leave it on at night when I'm away than have it glow on a nearby screen during the day. The configuration is very easy, at least at first glance, you just need to select a period of time.

However, make sure none of them overlap, or the program will crash. No warnings or errors, just a complete shutdown on your phone's home screen. The easiest way to get around this is to remove all three preset times entirely (by selecting them and clicking the trash can icon below) and then adding your time again.

A watering schedule doesn't work the same way and doesn't seem to have the same problem. I recently increased my water intake from three (every four hours for five minutes) to six times a day.

One thing to note is that the app has its own built-in Kelby smart assistant that notifies you when it's time to refresh the aquarium water, add plant food, etc. Monthly subscription.


You can sign up for $39 a month and cancel at any time. You can also sign up for a one-year subscription for a total of $408 or a two-year subscription for a total of $686. At $849 for Guardian (or $999 for Guardian 3.0), the price seems a bit pricey. tall.

Many things are included with the membership to help offset the cost. Users will receive 10 yCybe with free shipping every month and save up to 60% on any future yCube purchase. There is nothing to despise; A yCube costs about $5, which is basically $50 a month just for taxis.

The membership, although expensive, pays for itself each month.

The app also has a live view feature. You can check your plants with the two built-in cameras, but the resolution is too low to see much detail. There's also a deprecated feature currently in beta, but again, it's locked behind a paywall.

The downside to storing all these yCubes is that your plants should last well over a month. Accumulate dice. The core value of membership is Kelby; The AI ​​is especially impressive when it comes to taking care of plants. The wizard can identify specific plants and provide feedback about your garden based on a series of colored dots in each cube.

While membership isn't cheap, it does offer enough benefits to offset the fees, especially if you're a heavy user.

Plants types

One of the differences between the Garden and the competition is the large number of plants it offers. I saw more yCubes with plant species I had never heard of before. Some options include:

  • Bruno
  • June
  • fairy tale eggplant
  • A brightback trout
  • Hon Chai Tai
  • Tokyo BBQ

The biggest draw is that Gardin can grow larger plants than other modern gardens. You can grow tomatoes, peppers, and other things that normally require a lot of land. But despite its hydroponic nature, Gardin can produce large quantities of produce.

Growth is slow. I have set up my garden for over six weeks and none of the plants are ready to harvest. They are growing, but not as much as I expected. When I grow something in the Aero Garden, it's magical how fast the plants grow.

In the garden, the same species grow much less, but hopefully this means they will last longer. However, I am getting a little impatient; The bright colors of some plants make you want to try them, but they are not enough to produce a good product.

Daily use

Gardin has become a topic of conversation in my house. When clients arrive, they are always impressed by the green wall that greets them in the lobby. Once installed, I don't have much to do; It is mostly automatic. This is a huge advantage, especially as we approach one of the busiest times of the year.

Thanks to the huge water tank, it is rarely refilled, although it is always necessary to add plant food.

The tank is huge. It can hold several gallons of water at a time, which means fewer refills are required. Wait only five to ten minutes to fill the tank. If you have an accessible faucet, great. In my case, I fill a pitcher with water and when I fill it, I pour it into the tank. It is long but easy to do.

The only manual labor required is the addition of plant food. This happens fairly regularly, but it takes less than five minutes.


One of the best things about Gardin is its community. Many system enthusiasts have found solutions to every major platform problem. For example, there are dozens of 3D printer recipes for yCube setups, as well as instructions for building a rock wall and growing anything you can imagine using your own seeds.

If you want to grow a plant that Garden doesn't offer, this is the way to go. If you don't get the results you expected, just reach out to the community. Almost all plant species were tested and their growth conditions and parameters adjusted.

Is Gardin the garden of the future?

The Garden is the most advanced modern garden I have ever seen. It's amazing modern technology, but it leaves a lot of room for improvement. I was sent Guardian 2.0 but Guardian 3.0 came out shortly after I set mine up and seems to have improved some features.

Gardin is all I want, but the good news is that the main issues are mostly software related.

I have high hopes for the platform. Although my plants are not growing as fast as I thought, this is a long-term project, I look forward to adjusting and experimenting until I get the results I want. And if I? It is a delicious salad.

editing tips

Garden Hydroponics System Phone App Review: Should You Buy a Monthly Subscription?

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