From Guns To Garden Tools: Transforming Fear Into Hope For Change

Madison (WKOW). Writer and attorney Shane Claiborne arrived at Grace Episcopal Church on Saturday afternoon to hold an event in response to escalating gun violence in Madison.

"It's all about the idea that change is possible," Claiborne said.

The title of his book, Victory Over Guns, prompted Claiborne to host "Victory Over Guns in Madison," in which he called on people who'd lost loved ones to engage in gun violence and then turn guns into gardening tools.

"It's a way of honoring the grief and pain of those affected by gun violence," Claiborne said. "As we focus on their stories, we reflect on the changes we need to make to our heart and weapon policies."

Claiborne issued this policy statement across the country to use machines designed to destroy used tools to make life easier.

"It gives me hope," Jackson told Lasha. "It makes me realize there are people who care about gun violence in the city."

Lashi Jackson and Wendy Thompson run a group for fathers who have been victims of gun violence, a cause close to both women's hearts.

Jackson's son died four years ago after being shot.

Thompson's son was shot six months ago.

Both share their stories to raise awareness of gun violence in Madison and put a face and a beating heart on the issue.

"He's trying to educate the public about the gun violence that happened in Madison recently," Thompson said. It also gives us more hope for our children, our grandchildren. Knowing that where possible we try to make a difference and make a difference.

"I've been here since 1992," Jackson said. "And the gun violence was certainly very high."

"I can say that too because I've been here since 2011," Thompson said.

"When it gets personal, it really affects us," Claiborne said. "So it's not just a problem for me. The problem has names and faces."

Claiborne is happy to make changes, but she knows that nobody has an argument to change their mind. So he invites people to listen to evidence like Jackson's and Thompson's to understand the humanity behind the debate.

"I think we need to find common ground," Claiborne said. "And I would agree with 75% of gun owners who want some kind of change. So let's talk about what these changes are.”

If you have a weapon that you no longer need and would like to convert it into a gardening tool, you can submit your information to the RAWtools forge network.

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