5 Easy Swaps Thatll Make Your Fall Decor More Sustainable

5 Easy Swaps Thatll Make Your Fall Decor More Sustainable

Fall decorating should include plenty of themes and ideas that are perfect for the whole season, from fancy Halloween accessories to fall-themed items. If your goal is to decorate as environmentally friendly as possible, look for waste-free decorations that can be reused, composted, or recycled.

1. Celebrate the harvest

Pumpkins are a recognizable symbol of fall, but they're far from the only way to incorporate seasonal produce into your home decor. Other options that make great decorative items are hard gourds or cabbages, straw, and dried corn. The great thing about decorating with these items is that they don't take up storage space or get added to trash cans.

When you're ready to toss your crop decorations, you have a few options: you can cook with them (in the case of pumpkins or zucchini), donate them to a local farm or wildlife organization, or donate them yourself. You can add them to your compost pile to help feed next year's crop.

2. Save

It is estimated that the average US citizen throws out 25% more trash during the holiday season. One of the most effective ways to make up for these losses is to donate items to thrift stores and buy them there. Shopping in second-hand stores reduces the demand for "fast" trendy home decor items, i.e. fashion items produced with a high environmental impact, such as air and water pollution.

In fact, secondhand stores are filled with quality fall decor items looking for new homes. Other options include checking out online markets, garage sales, or antique stores. Remember, fall decoration isn't just about pumpkins and ghosts. Carefully chosen items such as dark glassware, farm tools and more can create great fall accents.

3. Needlework with natural elements

If you're smart, look for materials instead of buying them from craft stores. For example, many craft stores sell pine cones, which are perfect for centerpieces, wreaths, and other decorative items. However, with a little effort (usually very little), you can get the same types of pine cones from your garden or pasture.

Once you've chosen a pincushion, simply use a small brush to remove the dirt and then bake it on a baking sheet in the oven at 220 degrees for 20 minutes. This protects them and ensures they are free from dirt. Sprinkle fresh pineapple with cinnamon for an extra touch.

Pine cones are the first natural material ready for autumn work. You can also look for beautiful fallen leaves, long wild grasses, twigs, and more.

4. Reuse the decorations you already have

One of the principles of sustainable development is "reduce, reuse and recycle". You can make all three at once by reusing the items you already have for fall decoration. Do you have white sheets? With just a few steps, you can create spooky ghosts. Do you have a winter wreath? Place some pine cones to make it fit for fall. Do you have containers for tomatoes? Cover them with a black cloth and place a pumpkin for bad effect.

You can save money and land by using a creative eye to redefine what you already have.

5. Think about what's next

As you prepare for fall, think about what will happen to your new decor items, hoping they don't end up in a landfill. In many cases, an efficient storage solution will allow you to enjoy your items for many years to come. For other organic or natural materials you include in your décor, recycling options include cooking (and eating), donating to a farm, animal shelter, or wildlife sanctuary, or yard composting.

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