Alexandria's Antoniadis Garden Undergoing A Comprehensive Renovation: Park Director

Alexandria's Antoniadis Garden Undergoing A Comprehensive Renovation: Park Director

Alexandria's Antoniadis Park is undergoing a complete renovation to bring it into line with cultural and tourist values, park director Badria Hassan said Monday, amid widespread controversy over current development plans.

Hasani denied rumors on social networks that the trees in the garden were being cut down, saying that they would only be cut down.

Many Facebook users shared posts titled "Sad news from Alexandria, demolition of Antoniadis Park and felling of rare trees it contains" criticizing the development plans.

Hassan supported the renovation plan, explaining that the entire park would be restored, especially parts, such as the worn walls, while preserving the history and features of the park.

He further confirmed to the media that no gardens or palace structures will be changed and that they will be fully open to the public once the landscaping work is completed.

The 69-hectare garden, managed by the Center for Agricultural Research since 1986, has been neglected, mainly due to poor irrigation of green spaces.

In the 19th century, the Antoniadis gardens were owned by a wealthy Greek citizen and later by Muhammad Ali Pasha, the ruler of Egypt at the time. In 1860 the garden changed hands and another Greek, John Antoniadis, became the owner. After his death, the gardens were passed on to the Alexandria Duma.

Since 1952, Antoniadis Park has welcomed the public to enjoy its greenery and collection of rare marble statues, including European explorers Christopher Columbus and Vasco da Gama. The park has become a favorite place for family, friends and school trips.

For several years, the Alessandrini e Mediterranei Center for Studies has been developing a restoration project to preserve the palace and gardens of Antoniadis as a source of enrichment and enjoyment for future generations. The aim was for the building to house some of the activities of the Alexandrian Library, as well as to serve as a center for Alexandrian studies and a place of exchange and dialogue.

Ahram online

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